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§178.3650 无气味的轻石油烃类(Odorless light petroleum hydrocarbons)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-12-21 19:01:30  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3725
核心提示:在符合本节所规定要求情况下,无气味的轻石油烃类可安全的用于与食品接触的非食用加工制品的组分:(a)是由石油或石油气合成的液态烃类的混合物。(b)气味微弱、无煤油味;起始沸点最低为148.9℃;最终沸点最高为343.3℃;紫外吸光度的限值(按照§ 178.3620(b)(1)(ii)方法检测)符合正文表格所示具体要求。(c)按照正文表格所示规定进行使用。
发布文号 21 CFR PART 178
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 在符合本节所规定要求情况下,无气味的轻石油烃类可安全的用于与食品接触的非食用加工制品的组分:(a)是由石油或石油气合成的液态烃类的混合物。(b)气味微弱、无煤油味;起始沸点最低为148.9℃;最终沸点最高为343.3℃;紫外吸光度的限值(按照§ 178.3620(b)(1)(ii)方法检测)符合正文表格所示具体要求。(c)按照正文表格所示规定进行使用。

Odorless light petroleum hydrocarbons may be safely used, as a component of nonfood articles intended for use in contact with food, in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:
  (a) The additive is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons derived from petroleum or synthesized from petroleum gases. The additive is chiefly paraffinic, isoparaffinic, or naphthenic in nature.
  (b) The additive meets the following specifications:
  (1) Odor is faint and not kerosenic.
  (2) Initial boiling point is 300 °F minimum.
  (3) Final boiling point is 650 °F maximum.
  (4) Ultraviolet absorbance limits determined by method specified in § 178.3620(b)(1)(ii), as follows:
Wavelength (Mµ) Maximum absorb-ance per centimeter optical pathlength
280 to 289 4.0
290 to 299 3.3
300 to 329 2.3
330 to 360 .8

  (c) The additive is used as follows:
Use Limitations
As a plasticizer and absorber oil in the manufacture of polyolefin articles authorized for food contact use In an amount not to exceed that required to produce intended effect, consistent with good manufacturing practice.
As a lubricant of fibers of textiles authorized for food contact use At a use level not to exceed 0.15 percent by weight of finished fibers.
As a component of adhesives Complying with § 175.105 of this chapter.
As a defoamer in the manufacture of paper and paperboard  Complying with § 176.210 of this chapter.
As a defoamer in coatings  Complying with § 176.200 of this chapter.

 地区: 美国 
 标签: 检测 


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