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§1054. 提交国会的年度报告(Annual report to Congressional committees)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-08 16:37:11  来源:USDA  浏览次数:3099
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备注 1970年12月29日之后每年的3月1日,农业部需向众议院农业委员会和参议院农业、营养和林业委员会提交一份综合的、详细的书面报告。


  §1054. Annual report to Congressional committees

  (a) \1\ Not later than March 1 of each year following December 29, 1970, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a comprehensive and detailed written report with respect to--


  \1\ So in original. No subsec. (b) has been enacted.


  (1) the processing, storage, handling, and distribution of eggs and egg products subject to the provisions of this chapter; the inspection of establishments operated in connection therewith; the effectiveness of the operation of the inspection, including the effectiveness of the operations of State egg inspection programs; and recommendations for legislation to improve such program; and

  (2) the administration of section 1046 of this title (relating to imports) during the immediately preceding calendar year, including but not limited to--

  (A) a certification by the Secretary that foreign plants exporting eggs or egg products to the United States have complied with requirements of this chapter and regulations issued thereunder;

  (B) the names and locations of plants authorized or permitted to export eggs or egg products to the United States;

  (C) the number of inspectors employed by the Department of Agriculture in the calendar year concerned who were assigned to inspect plants referred to in paragraph (B) hereof and the frequency with which each such plant was inspected by such inspectors;

  (D) the number of inspectors that were licensed by each country from which any imports were received and that were assigned, during the calendar year concerned, to inspect such imports and the facilities in which such imports were handled; and the frequency and effectiveness of such inspections;

  (E) the total volume of eggs and egg products which was imported into the United States during the calendar year concerned from each country, including a separate itemization of the volume of each major category of such imports from each country during such year, and a detailed report of rejections of plants and products because of failure to meet appropriate standards prescribed by this chapter; and

  (F) recommendations for legislation to improve such program.

 地区: 美国 
 标签: 营养 农业 年度报告 


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