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2012年食品条例修正案(Food (amendment) regulations 2012)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2014-08-19 14:02:11  来源:AGC  浏览次数:4206
发布单位 暂无 发布文号 S 175/2012
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 2012-05-02
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 新加坡发布2012年食品条例修正案,主要定义了反式脂肪酸的概念及预包装食用油脂中反式脂肪酸的含量及预包装食用油脂标示规定等。

  In exercise of the powers conferred by section 56(1) of the Sale of Food Act, the Minister for National Development hereby makes the following Regulations:

  Citation and commencement

  1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Food (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and shall come into operation on 2nd May 2012.

  Amendment of regulation 78

  2.  Regulation 78 of the Food Regulations (Rg 1) is amended by inserting, immediately after paragraph (2), the following paragraphs:

  “(3)  Prepacked edible fats and oils for sale or for use as an ingredient in the preparation of foods shall not contain trans fatty acids at levels exceeding 2% (w/w).

  (4)  In these Regulations, “trans fatty acids” means the geometrical isomers of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids having non-conjugated, interrupted by at least one methylene group, carbon-carbon double bonds in the trans configuration.”.

  Amendment of regulation 79

  3.  The Food Regulations are amended by renumbering regulation 79 as paragraph (1) of that regulation, and by inserting immediately thereafter the following paragraph:

  “(2)  Every package of prepacked edible fats and oils for sale shall be labelled with a nutrition information panel in the form specified in the Twelfth Schedule or in such other similar form as may be acceptable to the Director-General, specifying the energy value, the amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat, trans fatty acids and the amount of any other nutrients for which a nutrition claim is made in respect of the food.”.

  Amendment of Twelfth Schedule

  4.  The Twelfth Schedule to the Food Regulations is amended by deleting the Schedule reference and substituting the following Schedule reference:

  “Regulations 8A(1), 9(7)(b) and (8)(b), 79(2), 248(1), 249(3) and 250(2)”.



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