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§679a. 安全肉禽检查小组(Safe Meat and Poultry Inspection Panel)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-02 14:56:38  来源:USDA  浏览次数:3658
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备注 该规定内容包括安全肉禽检查小组的建立、职责(检查和评估)、部门答复、小组成员的组成、小组成员的任命、出差的费用开支、农业部需针对小组成员的利益冲突发布规章、不适用于该检查小组的法案、基金的分配。


  §679a. Safe Meat and Poultry Inspection Panel

  (a) Establishment

  There is established in the Department of Agriculture a permanent advisory panel to be known as the safe Meat and Poultry Inspection Panels(referred to in this section as the panel).

  (b) Duties

  (1) Review and evaluation

  The panel shall review and evaluate, as the panel considers necessary, the adequacy, necessity, safety, cost-effectiveness, and scientific merit of:

  (A) inspection procedures of, and work rules and worker relations involving Federal employees employed in, plants inspected under this chapter;

  (B) informal petitions or proposals for changes in inspection procedures, processes, and techniques of plants inspected under this chapter;

  (C) formal changes in meat inspection regulations promulgated under this chapter, whether in notice, proposed, or final form; and

  (D) such other matters as may be referred to the panel by the Secretary regarding the quality or effectiveness of a safe and cost-effective meat inspection system under this chapter.

  (2) Reports

  (A) In general

  The panel shall submit to the Secretary a report on the results of each review and evaluation carried out under paragraph (1), including such recommendations as the panel considers appropriate.

  (B) Reports on formal changes

  In the case of a report concerning a formal change in meat inspection regulations, the report shall be made within the time limits prescribed for formal comments on such changes.

  (C) Publication in Federal Register

  Each report of the panel to the Secretary shall be published in the Federal Register.

  (c) Secretarial response

  Not later than 90 days after the publication of a panel report under subsection (b)(2)(C) of this section, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register any response required of the Secretary to the report.

  (d) Composition of panel

  The panel shall be composed of 7 members, not fewer than 5 of whom shall be from the food science, meat science, or poultry science profession, appointed to staggered terms not to exceed 3 years by the Secretary from nominations received from the National Institutes of Health and the Federation of American Societies of Food Animal Science and based on the professional qualifications of the nominees.

  (e) Nominations

  (1) Initial panel

  In constituting the initial panel, the Secretary shall solicit 6 nominees from the National Institutes of Health and 6 nominees from the Federation of American Societies of Food Animal Science for membership on the panel.

  (2) Vacancies

  Any subsequent vacancy on the panel shall be filled by the Secretary after soliciting 2 nominees from the National Institutes of Health and 2 nominees from the Federation of American Societies of Food Animal Science.

  (3) Requirements for nominees

  (A) In general

  Each nominee provided under paragraph (1) or (2) shall have a background in public health issues and a scientific expertise in food, meat, or poultry science or in veterinary science.

  (B) Submission of information

  The Secretary may require nominees to submit such information as the Secretary considers necessary prior to completing the selection process.

  (4) Additional nominees

  If any list of nominees provided under paragraph (1) or (2) is unsatisfactory to the Secretary, the Secretary may request the nominating entities to submit an additional list of nominees.

  (f) Travel expenses

  While away from the home or regular place of business of a member of the panel in the performance of services for the panel, the member shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at the same rate as a person employed intermittently in the Government service would be allowed under section 5703 of title 5.

  (g) Conflicts of interest

  The Secretary shall promulgate regulations regarding conflicts of interest with respect to the members of the panel.

  (h) Exemption

  The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) and title XVIII of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2281 et seq.) shall not apply to the panel.

  (i) Funding

  From funds available to the Secretary to carry out this chapter and the Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 451 et seq.), the Secretary shall allocate such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.



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