P.C. 2014-478 May 1, 2014
His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to section 30 (see footnote a) of the Food and Drugs Act (see footnote b), makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Mechanically Tenderized Beef).
1. Subsection B.01.001(1) of the Food and Drug Regulations (see footnote 1) is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
“mechanically tenderized beef” means uncooked solid cut beef that is prepared in either of the following ways:
(a) the integrity of the surface of the beef is compromised by being pierced by blades, needles or other similar instruments; or
(b) the beef is injected with a marinade or other tenderizing solution. (b?uf attendri mécaniquement)
2. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after section B.14.021:
B.14.022. No person shall sell mechanically tenderized beef unless
(a) the beef is identified as mechanically tenderized when it is offered or exposed for sale; and
(b) the beef has a label on it with a principal display panel that, subject to section B.01.012, includes all of the following information:
(i) in type at least as legible and prominent as that of the common name,
(A) the expression “mechanically tenderized” in the English version of the label, and
(B) the expression “attendri mécaniquement”, with any necessary grammatical modifications, in the French version of the label, and
(ii) in type at least as legible and prominent as that of any other information other than the common name,
(A) in the English version of the label,
(I) the message “Cook to a minimum internal temperature of 63°C (145°F).”, and
(II) in the case of steak, the additional message “Turn steak over at least twice during cooking.”, and
(B) in the French version of the label,
(I) the message “Faire cuire jusqu’à ce que la température interne atteigne au moins 63 °C (145 °F).”, and
(II) in the case of steak, the additional message “Retourner le bifteck au moins deux fois durant la cuisson.”.
3. These Regulations come into force three months after the day on which they are published in the Canada Gazette, Part II.