当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§177.1395 使用温度在120℉至250℉的复合薄膜(Laminate structures for use at temperatures between 120 °F and 250 °F)

§177.1395 使用温度在120℉至250℉的复合薄膜(Laminate structures for use at temperatures between 120 °F and 250 °F)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-10-05 11:13:12  来源:GPO  浏览次数:2845
发布文号 62 FR 53957
发布日期 1997-10-17 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 本节所指的符合薄膜在指定的温度下可安全使用,这些制品具有多层结构,可用也可不用粘合剂粘合,在这些制品中,接触食品层不具有阻隔非接触食品层的组分迁移的功能。复合薄膜可由177.1390的聚合物和辅料、列于这些法规中的任何聚合树脂、符合174.5的辅料以及本节(b)(4)所列的物质制得。

  §177.1395 Laminate structures for use at temperatures between 120 °F and 250 °F.

      (a) The laminates identified in this section may be safely used at the specified temperatures. These articles are layered structures that are optionally bonded with adhesives. In these articles, the food-contact layer does not function as a barrier to migration of components from non-food-contact layers. The layers may be laminated, extruded, coextruded, or fused.

  (b) Laminate structures may be manufactured from:

  (1) Polymers and adjuvants complying with § 177.1390 of this chapter.

  (2) Any polymeric resin listed in these regulations so long as the use of the resin in the structure complies with the conditions of use (food type and time/temperature) specified in the regulation for that resin.

  (3) Optional adjuvant substances used in accordance with § 174.5 of this chapter.

  (4) The following substances in non-food-contact layers only:


Substances  Limitations
Ethylene/1,3-phenylene oxyethylene isophthalate/terephthalate copolymer (CAS Reg. No. 87365-98-8) complying with § 177.1345  For use only with polyethylene terephthalate as the food-contact layer, complying with § 177.1630 under conditions of use C through G described in table 2 of § 176.170(c) of this chapter. Laminate structures, when extracted with 8 percent ethanol at 150 °F for 2 hours shall not yield m-pheny lenedioxy-O,O′-diethyl isophthalate or cyclic bis(ethylene isophthalate) in excess of 7.8 micrograms/square decimeter (0.5 microgram/square inch) of food-contact surface.
 Nylon 6/12 resins complying with § 177.1500(b) , item 13.2, of this chapter (CAS Reg. No. 25191-04-2)  For use with nonalcoholic foods at temperatures not to exceed 100 °C (212 °F). Laminate structures with authorized food-contact materials yield no more than 0.15 milligram of epsilon-caprolactam and 0.04 milligram of omega-laurolactam per square inch when extracted with water at 100 °C (212 °F) for 5 hours.
 Nylon 6/66 resins complying with § 177.1500(b) , item 4.2 of this chapter (CAS Reg. 24993-04-2)  For use only with:1. Nonalcoholic foods at temperatures not to exceed 82.2 °C (180 °F). Laminate structures with authorized food-contact materials yield no more than 0.15 milligram of epsilon-caprolactam per square inch when extracted with water at 82.2 °C (180 °F) for 5 hours. 2. Nonalcoholic foods at temperatures not to exceed 100 °C (212 °F). Laminate films with authorized food-contact materials yield no more than 0.15 milligram of epsilon-caprolactam per square inch when extracted with water at 100 °C (212 °F) for 5 hours.
Code of Federal Regulations 276
 Nylon 6/69 resins complying with § 177.1500(b) , item 14, of this chapter (CAS Reg. No. 51995-62-1)  For use with nonalcoholic foods under conditions of use B, C, D, E, F, G, and H described in table 2 of § 176.170 of this chapter. Laminate structures with authorized food-contact materials may contain nylon 6/69 resins provided that the nitrogen content of aqueous extracts of a representative laminate (obtained at 100 °C (212 °F) for 8 hours) does not exceed 15 micrograms per square centimeter (100 micrograms per square inch).

[52 FR 33575, Sept. 4, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 19772, May 31, 1988; 57 FR 43399, Sept. 21, 1992; 58 FR 32610, June 11, 1993; 62 FR 53957, Oct. 17, 1997]
 地区: 美国 
 标签: 辅料 


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