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§102.28 用于配制主菜或正餐的包装食品名称要求(Foods packaged for use in the preparation of “main dishes” or “dinners.”)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-19 20:17:50  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3450
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备注 此类食品常用名称包括包装内各种重要配料或成分的常用名称、用包装内物料配制成的食品名称的说明、适当的使用说明,即说明必须添加附加的特征性配料或成分,同时把附加的特征性配料或成分的名称标注出来。要将本节(a)中的内容标注在展示面上,(a)(2)的说明文字不得超过(a)(1)的文字,(a)(3)的说明文字要用粗体。显示包装内不存在的食品配料等必须含有本节(a)(3)的说明。

      更多关于非标准食品常用名称的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第102部分非标准食品常用名称的法规汇总

  § 102.28   Foods packaged for use in the preparation of “main dishes” or “dinners.”

  (a) The common or usual name of a packaged food which is represented on the principal display panel by word or vignette to be used in the preparation of a “main dish”, “dinner”, or other such food serving, and to which some other important characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) not present in the package must be added, consists of all the following:

  (1) The common or usual name of each important ingredient or component in the package, in descending order of predominance by weight (e.g., “noodles and tomato sauce”).

  (2) An appropriate informative statement identifying the food to be prepared by use of the package contents (e.g., “for preparation of chicken casserole”).

  (3) An appropriate informative statement that additional characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) must be added and which names the additional characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) (e.g., “you must add ___ to complete the recipe,” the blank to be filled in with the name(s) of the important characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) that must be added).

  (b) The labeling required by paragraph (a) of this section shall appear on the principal display panel.

  (1) No word in the statement required by paragraph (a)(2) of this section may appear on the principal display panel more conspicuously or in larger type than the smallest and least conspicuous type employed on the panel for any word, phrase or statement within the scope of paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

  (2) Every word in the statement required by paragraph (a)(3) of this section shall appear on the principal display panel in easily legible bold face print or type in distinct contrast to other printed or graphic matter, and in a height not less than the larger of the following alternatives:

  (i) Not less than one-sixteenth inch in height on packages having a principal display panel with an area of 5 square inches or less and not less than one-eighth inch in height if the area of the principal display panel is greater than 5 square inches; or

  (ii) Not less than one-half the height of the largest type appearing in the part of the common or usual name of the food required by paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section.

  (c) Any vignette which shows any food or characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) not included in the package shall be accompanied either by the statement required by paragraph (a)(3) of this section or by a separate statement specifying the food or characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) shown in the vignette but not included in the package.

  (d) If the statement specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section is used on any panel in addition to the principal display panel as a product identification statement, the complete common or usual name shall appear on such panel in the manner specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

  (e) When a brand name or other prominent product designation contains a word or words that includes or suggests an important characterizing ingredient(s) or component(s) that must be added, or otherwise states or implies that the package contains a complete main dish, dinner, or other food serving, the part of the common or usual name of the food required by paragraph (a)(3) of this section shall appear in direct conjunction with such brand name or other designation and in type size not less than one-half the height of the largest type appearing in such brand name or other designation.



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