当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§102.33 含有果汁或蔬菜汁的饮料的常用名称(Beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice)

§102.33 含有果汁或蔬菜汁的饮料的常用名称(Beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-19 20:32:20  来源:GPO  浏览次数:5131
发布文号 58 FR 2926
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 对于含果蔬汁小于100%而大于0的饮料,常用名称必须符合102.5(a)的要求,是一个带有说明性的名称。如果产品是稀释的多种果汁饮料,或是原果汁混合饮料,则名称必须以体积大小由大到小排列。如果多种果汁饮料或原果汁混合饮料中已说明含有一种果汁而还有一种实际含有的果汁没有标注,则常用名中必须说明此名称代表性果汁不是唯一含有的果汁。经过改良的果汁常用名称中必须包括对改良性质的说明。

      更多关于非标准食品常用名称的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第102部分非标准食品常用名称的法规汇总

  § 102.33   Beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice.

  (a) For a carbonated or noncarbonated beverage that contains less than 100 percent and more than 0 percent fruit or vegetable juice, the common or usual name shall be a descriptive name that meets the requirements of §102.5(a) and, if the common or usual name uses the word “juice,” shall include a qualifying term such as “beverage,” “cocktail,” or “drink” appropriate to advise the consumer that the product is less than 100 percent juice (e.g., “diluted grape juice beverage” or “grape juice drink”).

  (b) If the product is a diluted multiple-juice beverage or blend of single-strength juices and names, other than in the ingredient statement, more than one juice, then the names of those juices, except in the ingredient statement, must be in descending order of predominance by volume unless the name specifically shows that the juice with the represented flavor is used as a flavor (e.g., raspberry-flavored apple and pear juice drink). In accordance with §101.22(i)(1)(iii) of this chapter, the presence of added natural flavors is not required to be declared in the name of the beverage unless the declared juices alone do not characterize the product before the addition of the added flavors.

  (c) If a diluted multiple-juice beverage or blend of single-strength juices contains a juice that is named or implied on the label or labeling other than in the ingredient statement (represented juice), and also contains a juice other than the named or implied juice (nonrepresented juice), then the common or usual name for the product shall indicate that the represented juice is not the only juice present (e.g., “Apple blend; apple juice in a blend of two other fruit juices.”)

  (d) In a diluted multiple-juice beverage or blend of single-strength juices where one or more, but not all, of the juices are named on the label other than in the ingredient statement, and where the named juice is not the predominant juice, the common or usual name for the product shall:

  (1) Indicate that the named juice is present as a flavor or flavoring (e.g., “Raspcranberry”; raspberry and cranberry flavored juice drink); or

  (2) Include the amount of the named juice, declared in a 5- percent range (e.g., Raspcranberry; raspberry and cranberry juice beverage, 10- to 15-percent cranberry juice and 3- to 8-percent raspberry juice). The 5-percent range, when used, shall be declared in the manner set forth in §102.5(b)(2).

  (e) The common or usual name of a juice that has been modified shall include a description of the exact nature of the modification (e.g., “acid-reduced cranberry juice,” “deflavored, decolored grape juice”).

  (f) If the product is a beverage that contains a juice whose color, taste, or other organoleptic properties have been modified to the extent that the original juice is no longer recognizable at the time processing is complete, or if its nutrient profile has been diminished to a level below the normal nutrient range for the juice, then the source fruits or vegetables from which the modified juice was derived may not be depicted on the label by vignette or other pictorial representation.

  (g)(1) If one or more juices in a juice beverage is made from concentrate, the name of the juice must include a term indicating that fact, such as “from concentrate,” or “reconstituted.” Such terms must be included in the name of each individual juice or it may be stated once adjacent to the product name so that it applies to all the juices, (e.g., “cherry juice (from concentrate) in a blend of two other juices” or “cherry juice in a blend of 2 other juices (from concentrate)”). The term shall be in a type size no less than one-half the height of the letters in the name of the juice.

  (2) If the juice is 100 percent single species juice consisting of juice directly expressed from a fruit or vegetable whose Brix level has been raised by the addition of juice concentrate from the same fruit or vegetable, the name of the juice need not include a statement that the juice is from concentrate. However, if water is added to this 100 percent juice mixture to adjust the Brix level, the product shall be labeled with the term “from concentrate” or “reconstituted.”

  [58 FR 2926, Jan. 6, 1993; 58 FR 17103, Apr. 1, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 44063, Aug. 18, 1993; 62 FR 15343, Mar. 31, 1997]



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