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澳新食品标准法典-2.6.2-不含酒精饮料及酿造软饮料(Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Brewed Soft Drinks)

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Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 2.6.2
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该标准内容涉及包装饮用水,以及含有食品添加剂(某些情况下含有营养物质)的水基饮料。该标准定义了一系列产品,规定了包装饮用水、电解质饮料、酿造软饮料及配方饮料的组分要求。本标准允许往包装饮用水中自愿添加氟化物。另外还规定了电解质饮料及包装饮用水的标签要求。禁止将不含酒精饮料标识或宣传暗示为酒精饮料。
最新文本请详见   Standard2.6.2.pdf,已更新至2014.10.30
This Standard deals with packaged waters and water-based beverages which contain food additives and in certain cases, nutritive substances.  The Standard defines a number of products and sets certain compositional requirements for packaged water, electrolyte drinks, brewed soft drinks and formulated beverages.  The Standard also permits the voluntary addition of fluoride to water presented in packaged form.
Labelling requirements specific to electrolyte drinks and water presented in packaged form are included in this Standard.  This Standard also prohibits the labelling or presentation of non-alcoholic beverages in such a way as to suggest the product is an alcoholic beverage.
Table of Provisions
1             Interpretation
2             Composition of packaged water
2AA        Limits for chemicals in packaged water
2AB        Compliance with clause 2 or 2AA
3             Composition of brewed soft drink
4             Composition of fruit drinks
5             Non-alcoholic beverages not to be labelled/presented as alcoholic beverages
6             Composition of electrolyte drinks and electrolyte drink bases
7             Labelling of electrolyte drinks and electrolyte drink bases
8             Claims in relation to the tonicity of electrolyte drinks
9             Composition of formulated beverages
1             Interpretation
In this Code –
brewed soft drink means the product prepared by a fermentation process from water with sugar and one or more of –
(a)           fruit extractives or infusions; or
(b)          vegetable extractives or infusions.
electrolyte drink means a drink formulated and represented as suitable for the rapid replacement of fluid, carbohydrates, electrolytes and minerals.
electrolyte drink base means a solid or liquid which when made up, makes an electrolyte drink.
formulated beverage means a non-carbonated ready to drink, water-based flavoured beverage that contains added vitamins or minerals or both vitamins and minerals, prepared from one or more of the following –
(a)           water; and
(b)          fruit juice; and
(c)           fruit purée; and
(d)          concentrated fruit juice; and
(e)           concentrated fruit purée; and
(f)           comminuted fruit; and
(g)          orange peel extract; and
(h)           mineral water; and
(i)            sugars.
fruit drink means a product prepared from one or more of the following –
(a)           fruit juice; and
(b)          fruit purée; and
(c)           concentrated fruit juice; and
(d)          concentrated fruit puree; and
(e)           comminuted fruit; and
(f)           orange peel extract; and
(g)          water; and
(h)           mineralised water; and
(i)            sugars.
mineral water or spring water means ground water obtained from subterranean water-bearing strata that, in its natural state, contains soluble matter.
non-alcoholic beverage means –
(a)           packaged water; or
(b)          a water-based beverage which may or may not contain other foods, except for alcoholic beverages; or
(c)           electrolyte drinks.
2             Composition of packaged water
Clause 2 to be repealed on 21 February 2015
(1)           Water presented in packaged form may or may not contain added carbon dioxide.
(2)           Water presented in packaged form must not contain the substances listed in column 1 of the Table in greater corresponding proportion than that specified in column 2 of the Table to this subclause.
Table to subclause 2(2)
Column 1
Column 2 mg/L
30 (calculated as H3BO3 )
Chromium VI
0.01 (calculated as CN-)
Fluoride (naturally occurring)
2.0 (calculated as F-)
45 (calculated as NO3-)
0.005 (calculated as NO2-)
Organic matter
3.0 (KMnO3 digested as O2)
0.05 (calculated as H2S)
2AA        Limits for chemicals in packaged water
(1)           Water presented in packaged form may or may not contain added carbon dioxide.
(2)           Water presented in packaged form must not contain a chemical listed in Table A3.3 Guideline values for chemicals that are of health significance in drinking-water of Annex 3 Chemical summary tables in the Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 4th edition, 2011, World Health Organization, Geneva, at a level greater than the guideline value for the chemical specified in that Table.
(3)           Subclause (2) does not apply to fluoride.
(4)           Water presented in packaged form must not contain fluoride that is naturally-occurring in the water at a level greater than 1.0 mg/L.
Editorial note:
Clause 3 of Standard 1.4.1 sets a maximum level for Acrylonitrile of 0.02 mg/kg in all food.  Clause 4 of Standard 1.4.1 sets a maximum level for Pulegone of 250 mg/kg in beverages.
2AB        Compliance with clause 2 or 2AA
Clause 2AB to be repealed on 21 February 2015
Water presented in packaged form must comply with clause 2 or 2AA, but not a combination of both.
2A          Addition of fluoride to packaged water
(1)           In this clause, water suitable for added fluoride means water presented in packaged form which –
(a)          does not contain sugars, sweeteners, flavourings or other food; and
(b)          is not carbonated.
(2)           Fluoride must not be added to water presented in packaged form except in accordance with this clause.
(3)           Fluoride may be added to water suitable for added fluoride provided that –
(a)          the total amount of the naturally occurring and any added fluoride is no less than 0.6 mg/L and no more than 1 mg/L; and
(b)          the form of fluoride added is –
(i)            hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluorosilicic acid);
(ii)           sodium fluoride; or
(iii)          sodium fluorosilicate (sodium silicofluoride).
2B          Labelling of packaged water
(1)           The label on water presented in packaged form with added fluoride must contain a statement to the effect that the product contains added fluoride.
(2)           Subject to subclause (3), the label on water presented in packaged form may include a typical analysis which lists the total concentration of any naturally occurring compound expressed in either mg/L or parts per million.
(3)           A typical analysis may also include added fluoride provided that only the total amount of the naturally occurring and added fluoride is specified.

(4)           A typical analysis which complies with subclauses (2) and (3) is not a nutrition content claim for the purposes of Standard 1.2.7.
3             Composition of brewed soft drink
Brewed soft drink must contain no more than 1.15% alcohol/volume.
4             Composition of fruit drinks
Fruit drinks must contain no less than 50 mL/L of fruit, except in the case of passionfruit drink which must contain no less than 35 mL/L of passionfruit, prepared from any of the sources specified in the definition for fruit drink in paragraphs 1(a) to (f).
5             Non alcoholic beverages not to be labelled/presented as alcoholic beverages
Non alcoholic beverages must not be labelled or otherwise presented for sale in a form which expressly or by implication suggests that the product is an alcoholic beverage.
6             Composition of electrolyte drinks and electrolyte drink bases
(1)           An electrolyte drink, or an electrolyte drink base when made up, must contain no less than 10 mmol/L of sodium.
(2)           An electrolyte drink, or an electrolyte drink base when made up according to directions, must contain –
(a)          no less than 50 g/L and no more than 100 g/L total –
(i)            dextrose; and
(ii)           fructose; and
(iii)          glucose syrup; and
(iv)          maltodextrin; and
(v)           sucrose; and
(b)          no more than 50 g/L fructose.
(3)           An electrolyte drink, or an electrolyte drink base when made up, may contain –
(a)          calcium phosphates; and
(b)          potassium phosphates; and
(c)          calcium citrates; and
(d)          potassium citrates; and
(e)          sodium citrates; and
(f)           potassium carbonates, including potassium bicarbonate; and
(g)          potassium chloride; and
(h)          calcium chloride; and
(i)           sodium chloride; and
(j)           calcium lactate; and
(k)          magnesium lactate; and
(l)           magnesium sulphate.
7             Labelling of electrolyte drinks and electrolyte drink bases
The label on a package of electrolyte drink or electrolyte drink base, must include a declaration, as ready to drink –
(a)          the average per 100 mL –
(i)            energy value; and
(ii)           total carbohydrate present, including each type of monosaccharide and disaccharide; and
(iii)          milligrams and millimoles of the added minerals and electrolytes; and
(b)          the recommended volume and frequency of use.
8             Claims in relation to the tonicity of electrolyte drinks
(1)           A claim that an electrolyte drink is isotonic may only be made if the electrolyte drink has an average osmolality of 250 - 340 milliOsmol/L.
(2)           Where a claim is made that an electrolyte drink is isotonic, hypertonic or hypotonic, the osmolality of the electrolyte drink as measured in milliOsmol/L must be declared on the label of the package.
(3)           The label on a package of isotonic electrolyte drink may include words to the effect that the product is designed to promote the availability of energy and to prevent or treat mild dehydration that may occur as a result of sustained strenuous exercise.
9             Composition of formulated beverages
(1)           A formulated beverage must contain no more than –
(a)          240 mL/L of fruit prepared from any of the sources specified in the definition for formulated beverage in paragraphs 1(b) to (g); and
(b)          75 g/L of sugars.
(2)           A formulated beverage must not contain –
(a)          carbon dioxide; or
(b)          caffeine.
(3)           A formulated beverage must not be mixed with other beverages.



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