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澳新食品标准法典-2.6.1-果汁及蔬菜汁(Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2013-07-26 14:31:57  来源:comlaw  浏览次数:4480
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 2.6.1
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该标准定义了果汁及蔬菜汁,规定了其组分要求。规定了混合果汁标签要求。
This Standard defines fruit and vegetable juice, sets certain compositional permissions for the product and specifies labelling requirements for juice blends.
Table of Provisions
1            Interpretation
2            Composition
3            Labelling of juice blend
1            Interpretation
In this Code –
fruit juice or vegetable juice means the liquid portion, with or without pulp, obtained from –
(a)          fruit or vegetables respectively;  and
(b)          in the case of citrus fruit, other than lime, the endocarp only of the fruit;
              and includes products that have been concentrated and later reconstituted with water to a concentration consistent with that of the undiluted juice from which it was made.
juice blend means juice made from a blend of more than one juice.
2            Composition
Fruit juice or vegetable juice may have added to it any of the following foods –
(a)          for vegetable juice, sugars;
(b)          for fruit juice, no more than 40 g/kg of sugars; and
(c)          salt; and
(d)          herbs and spices.
3            Labelling of juice blend
(1)          Subject to subclause (2), the label on a package of juice blend must include –
(a)          the names of each juice present in the blend; and
(b)          the percentage by volume of each juice present in the blend.

(2)          Subclause (1) does not apply to orange juice which contains no more than ten % in total of –
(a)          mandarin juice; or
(b)          tangelo juice;
or both.
Editorial note:
See Part 1.2 – Labelling and Other Information Requirements of this Code for general labelling requirements.  See Standard 1.3.1 – Food Additives for limits for additives for fruit juice and vegetable juice.  See Standard 1.3.3 – Processing Aids for requirements for processing aids in the production of fruit juice and vegetable juice.


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