当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§ 316.3 禁用的官方标识(不包括官方人员监管下的),必要时需除去官方标识(Use of official marks prohibited except under supervision of Program employee; removal of official marks, when required)

§ 316.3 禁用的官方标识(不包括官方人员监管下的),必要时需除去官方标识(Use of official marks prohibited except under supervision of Program employee; removal of official marks, when required)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2013-01-29 09:35:09  来源:GPO  浏览次数:2563
发布文号 9 CFT PART 136
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 除去在官方人员监管下的或317分章中容器制造的授权之外,不得将官方检验标识、其它官方标识或其缩略词、模仿标识等加贴到产品或容器上。任何人不得为了商业目的,对具有官方标识的产品进行罐装、煮制、熟化、烟熏、腌制、包装、着色或其它方面的加工(不包括本节(c)中列举的四种情况)。

  § 316.3   Use of official marks prohibited except under supervision of Program employee; removal of official marks, when required.

  (a) No person shall affix or place, or cause to be affixed or placed, the official inspection legend or any other official mark, or any abbreviation or simulation of any official mark, to or on any product, or container thereof, except under the supervision of a Program employee, or as authorized by part 317 of this subchapter in connection with the manufacture of containers.

  (b) No person shall fill, or cause to be filled, in whole or in part, with any product, any container bearing or intended to bear any official mark, or any abbreviation or simulation of any official mark, except under the supervision of a Program employee.

  (c) Product bearing any official mark shall not be canned, cooked, cured, smoked, salted, packed, rendered, or otherwise prepared by any person for commercial purposes unless:

  (1) Such preparation is performed at an official establishment; or

  (2) Such preparation is conducted under State or other governmental inspection and the prepared product is marked to show that fact; or

  (3) The official marks are removed, defaced, or otherwise destroyed before or during such preparation; or

  (4) The preparation of the product consists solely of cutting up operations at any establishment exempted from inspection under paragraph 301(c)(2) of the Act or equal provisions of a law of a State or organized Territory or at any establishment in an unorganized Territory exempted under paragraph 23(b) of the Act.

 地区: 美国 
 标签: 检验 标识 包装 


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