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§170.19 加工食品中的化学杀虫剂(Pesticide chemicals in processed foods)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-25 21:01:03  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3293
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备注 当采用含有某种不需批准的,或符合法规第408节规定的化学杀虫剂容许量的农产品原料加工食品,而使加工食品有杀虫剂化学品残留时,这种加工食品可以不被认为是掺杂的,只要在加工过程中从原农产品中除去这类残留物,同时,只要加工后的即食成品中,残留物的浓度不超过规定的容许量。但如果当加工后的即食成品杀虫剂残留量的浓度超过规定,该加工品就是掺杂的,除非该较高的浓度值被本法规409节的规定所允许。
      §170.19 Pesticide chemicals in processed foods.

        When pesticide chemical residues occur in processed foods due to the use of raw agricultural commodities that bore or contained a pesticide chemical in conformity with an exemption granted or a tolerance prescribed under section 408 of the Act, the processed food will not be regarded as adulterated so long as good manufacturing practice has been followed in removing any residue from the raw agricultural commodity in the processing (such as by peeling or washing) and so long as the concentration of the residue in the processed food when ready to eat is not greater than the tolerance prescribed for the raw agricultural commodity. But when the concentration of residue in the processed food when ready to eat is higher than the tolerance prescribed for the raw agricultural commodity, the processed food is adulterated unless the higher concentration is permitted by a tolerance obtained under section 409 of the Act. For example, if fruit bearing a residue of 7 parts per million of DDT permitted on the raw agricultural commodity is dried and a residue in excess of 7 parts per million of DDT results on the dried fruit, the dehydrated fruit is adulterated unless the higher tolerance for DDT is authorized by the regulations in this part. Food that is itself ready to eat, and which contains a higher residue than allowed for the raw agricultural commodity, may not be legalized by blending or mixing with other foods to reduce the residue in the mixed food below the tolerance prescribed for the raw agricultural commodity.



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