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§160.110 冰蛋(Frozen eggs)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-12 10:09:53  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3579
发布文号 58 FR 2883
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 冰蛋、冰全蛋、混合冰蛋由符合160115要求的底色液蛋冰冻制得,成品中不含沙门氏菌的营养体,磷酸二氢钠或磷酸二氢钾可直接加入或以水作为载体加入,但是加入量不超过冰蛋重量的0.5%,水作为载体的,加水量不低于磷酸二氢钠或磷酸二氢钾的50%,标签上必须标注有“磷酸二氢钠(磷酸二氢钾)保持色泽”的文字,用水作载体的为“磷酸二氢钠(磷酸二氢钾)及__%水作为载体以保持色泽”,食品用料需在食品标签中加以说明。

      更多关于蛋和蛋制品的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第160部分关于蛋和蛋制品的法规汇总

  § 160.110   Frozen eggs.

  (a) Frozen eggs, frozen whole eggs, frozen mixed eggs is the food prepared by freezing liquid eggs that conform to §160.115, with such precautions that the finished food is free of viable Salmonella microorganisms.

  (b) Monosodium phosphate or monopotassium phosphate may be added either directly or in a water carrier, but the amount added does not exceed 0.5 percent of the weight of the frozen eggs. If a water carrier is used, it shall contain not less than 50 percent by weight of such monosodium phosphate or monopotassium phosphate.

  (c) When one of the optional ingredients specified in paragraph (b) of this section is used, the label shall bear the statement “Monosodium phosphate (or monopotassium phosphate) added to preserve color”, or, in case the optional ingredient used is added in a water carrier, the statement shall be “Monosodium phosphate (or monopotassium phosphate), with _ percent water as a carrier, added to preserve color”, the blank being filled in to show the percent by weight of water used in proportion to the weight of the finished food. The statement declaring the optional ingredient used shall appear on the principal display panel or panels with such prominence and conspicuousness as to render it likely to be read and understood under customary conditions of purchase.

  (d) Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter.

  [42 FR 14462, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 58 FR 2883, Jan. 6, 1993]



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