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SR 2002/135 农业化合物及兽药(费用及收费)条例2002(Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2002)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-28 20:00:40  来源:新西兰食品安全局  浏览次数:3085
发布文号 SR 2002/135
发布日期 2002-05-27 生效日期 2002-07-01
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该农业化合物及兽药(费用及收费)条例规定了农业化合物及兽药费用及收费的相关事项,收费费用包括产品税和服务税,该费用必须年度支付且截止到每年的10月1日。附录中列出了用于监控、申请、委托和登记费用的功能、权利和职责,收费的数目及缴费单位。

  Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2002

  (SR 2002/135)

  1 Title

  These regulations are the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and Charges)Regulations 2002.

  2 Commencement

  These regulations come into force on 1 July 2002.

  3 Interpretation

  In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,—

  Act means the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997

  Director-General has the same meaning as in the Act


  (a) in Part 2 of the Schedule, means disbursements relating to: external review; expert review; product testing; travel and accommodation; photocopying; printing and stationery; phone, fax, and video conferencing; postage and courier:

  (b) in Part 3 of the Schedule, means disbursements relating to: external review; expert review; notification; product testing; travel and accommodation; photocopying; printing and stationery; phone, fax, and video conferencing; postage and courier

  food animals means animals raised in an agricultural context (or parts of those animals) and used for food or for food production for humans

  food crops means plants raised in an agricultural context (or parts of those plants) and used for food or for food production for humans

  Schedule 3 means Schedule 3 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/101)。

  Regulation 3 Director-General: inserted, on 1 July 2009, by regulation 4 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and Charges) Amendment Regulations 2009 (SR 2009/166)。

  4 Fees and charges

  (1) The fees and charges set out in the Schedule are payable in respect of the matters to which they relate.

  (2) The fees and charges are inclusive of goods and services tax.

  (3) A fee or charge that is payable annually must be paid in every year by 1 October.

  (4) A fee or charge that is expressed to be per hour applies also for part of an hour.

  Regulation 4(3): amended, on 1 July 2008, by regulation 4 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and

Charges)Amendment Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/122)。

  4A Director-General may grant exemption, waiver, or refund

  The Director-General may grant an exemption from, or waive or refund, any fee or charge specified in these regulations, in whole or in part, in any particular case or class of cases.

  Regulation 4A: inserted, on 1 July 2009, by regulation 5 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and Charges)Amendment Regulations 2009 (SR 2009/166)。

  5 Revocation

  The Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees) Regulations 2001 (SR 2001/136) are revoked.


  Fees and charges payable under Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997

  Schedule: substituted, on 1 July 2008, by regulation 5 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees and Charges) Amendment Regulations 2008 (SR 2008/122)。

  Part 1

  Fees and charges payable for setting standards

Function, power, or duty for which fee or charge payable   Fee or charge   Fee or charge payable by

(a) setting standards to identify and evaluate risks and benefits under section 21 of the Act;
and(b) participating in national and international forums, having regard to New Zealand's international obligations, assurances, and reputation in identifying risks and benefits under section 21 of the Act


Payable annually by each—(a) registrant:(b) person who holds an exemption under section 8C of the Act:(c) person who has obtained approval of an operating plan:(d) recognised person

      Part 2

  Fees and charges payable for compliance and monitoring

Function, power, or duty for which fee or charge payable   Fee or charge   Fee or charge payable by

For an application for an inspector to give authority or clearance under section 5 or 6 of the Act


$100 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the importer

For monitoring compliance with conditions imposed (whether on the registrant, importer, manufacturer, seller, purchaser, or user) under the Act or regulations made under the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the person to whom the conditions apply

For inspection for the purpose of enforcing provisions of the Act or regulations made under the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the person being inspected

For the recall of an agricultural compound under section 35G of the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the person holding the agricultural compound

  Part 3
   Fees and charges payable for applications, accreditations, and registers 
Function, power, or duty for which fee or charge payable   Fee or charge   Fee or charge payable by

For responding to enquiries about form and content of applications under section 10 of the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the enquirer

For considering applications for waiver of notice under section 15 of the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the applicant

For assessing whether an application to register a trade name product complies with section 10 of the Act


$545.62 plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the applicant

For considering an application to register a trade name product or to vary 1 or more conditions on a registered trade name product


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the applicant

For considering an application for approval of, amendment to, or revocation of an operating plan under section 28 of the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the applicant

For recognising a person under section 62 of the Act


$149.60 per hour


Payable by the recognised person

For registering a trade name product in the register of trade name products or for varying 1 or more conditions on a registered trade name product




Payable on application by the applicant

For inspecting the register of registered trade names


$149.60 per hour for each inspection


Payable at completion of the inspection by the person inspecting the register

For considering whether to approve under section 8C of the Act the importation, manufacture, sale, or use of an agricultural compound without registration


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the person seeking the approval

For suspension under section 30A of the Act of the registration of a trade name product registered under section 21 or 27 of the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the registrant

For considering whether to issue a certificate of compliance under section 35A of the Act


$149.60 per hour plus actual cost of disbursements


Payable by the applicant



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