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澳大利亚进口食品管制实施细则(Imported Food Control Order 2001)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-14 10:30:14  来源:澳大利亚联邦共和国  浏览次数:4669
发布文号 F2010C00170
发布日期 2010-02-17 生效日期 2010-02-17
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该细则是在《进口食品管制法案》和《进口食品管制条例》下制定的一个实施细则,这个细则里面主要列举了具体的风险食品,这些食品是需要进口检疫的,包括:牛肉、牛肉制品、薯粉、奶酪、鸡肉、干制椰果、甲壳类动物、鱼、肉、沙司酱、软体动物、红辣椒、花生、花生制品、胡椒、开心果、开心果制品、猪肉、家禽、海藻、芝麻。

  Imported Food Control Order 2001

  as amended

  made under regulations 7 and 8 of the

  Imported Food Control Regulations 1993

  This compilation was prepared on 17 February 2010

  taking into account amendments up to Imported Food Control Amendment Order

  2010 (No. 1)

  Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing,

  Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra


      1 Name of Order [see Note 1]

  This Order is the Imported Food Control Order 2001.

  2 Commencement [see Note 1]

  This Order commences on gazettal.

  3 Definitions

  (1) In this Order:

  beef means the flesh, bone, offal or any other tissue of cattle.

  beef products means food prepared from or containing beef, but does not include gelatine, collagen, rendered fats, tallow or di-calcium phosphate.

  New Zealand product means a product that:

  (a) is imported from New Zealand; and

  (b) was made or produced in New Zealand.

  ready-to-eat: see suborder (2).

  (2) Food is ready-to-eat if it is ordinarily consumed in the same state as that in which it is sold.

  4 Identification and classification of food

  (1) Food of a kind to which the Act applies that is mentioned in clause 1 of Schedule 1 is required to be inspected, or inspected and analysed, under the Scheme as risk food.

  (2) Food to which a compliance agreement applies is classified as compliance agreement food.

  (2A) Suborder (1) does not apply to food that is classified under suborder (2).

  (3) If food of a particular kind is required to be inspected, or inspected and analysed, under the Scheme as a particular class of food, the food is classified as included in that class.

  5 Previous Imported Food Control Orders — revocation

  Each order made under regulation 7 or 8 of the Imported Food Control

  Regulations 1993 that is in force immediately before this Order commences is revoked.

   Schedule 1 Risk food

  (suborder 4 (1))

  1 Kinds of food

  For suborder 4 (1), the kinds of food are each kind of food that is described in an item of the following table.

  Item Kinds of food 

      1 Beef (whether cooked or uncooked and whether or not chilled or frozen)

  2 Beef products (whether cooked or uncooked and whether or not chilled or frozen)

  2A Cassava chips that are ready-to-eat

  3 Cheese, other than cheese that is a New Zealand product, of the following kinds:

  (a) curd cheese;

  (b) fresh cheese that is not fermented, including whey cheese;

  (c) soft cheese;

  (d) soft smoked cheese;

  (e) surface-ripened cheese

  4 Chicken meat that is cooked (whether or not chilled or frozen), but is not canned

  5 Coconut that is dried

  6 Crustaceans, including prawns, that are cooked (whether or not chilled or frozen), but are not canned

  7 Fish of the following kinds:

  (a) tuna, including canned tuna (whether dried or not);

  (b) tuna products;

  (c) mackerel;

  (d) ready-to-eat finfish

  8 Manufactured meat that is cooked, including meat pastes and paté

  9 Manufactured meat that is uncooked

  10 Marinara mix (whether or not chilled or frozen)

  11 Molluscs Bivalve (whether cooked or uncooked)

  12 Paprika that is dried

  13 Peanuts and any food that contains peanuts

  14 Peanut products and any food that contains peanut products

  15 Pepper that is dried

  16 Pistachios and any food that contains pistachios

  17 Pistachio products and any food that contains pistachio products

  18 Pig meat that is cooked (whether or not chilled or frozen), but is not canned

  19 Poultry patés and poultry livers that are ready for consumption (whether or not chilled or frozen), but that are not canned

  20 Seaweed - Hijiki only

  21 Sesame seeds and sesame seed products

     Notes to the Imported Food Control Order 2001

  Note 1

  The Imported Food Control Order 2001 (in force under regulations 7 and 8 of the Imported Food Control Regulations 1993) as shown in this compilation is amended as indicated in the Tables below.

  Table of Instruments

  Table of Amendments

  ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted



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