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澳大利亚进口食品管制条例(Imported Food Control Regulations 1993)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-14 09:19:25  来源:澳大利亚联邦共和国  浏览次数:4018
发布文号 1993 No. 100
发布日期 2009-12-19 生效日期 2009-12-19
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 进口食品管制条例是具体解释进口食品管制法的一个条例,整部法规都是以问答的方式解释了进口食品管制法(包括食品管制、检查方案、收费三个方面);内容包括进口食品管制法的适用范围(从新西兰进口、新西兰制造的食品以及非风险食品不属于该法案的适用范围);如何申请到食品质量控制证书;风险食物检查频率的划分(按照加严、正常、减免等方式来区分)等等。并且在条例的最后一个单元用表单的形式详细区分了货物量、检查频率和收费的一个对应关系。

  Part 1 Preliminary

  1 Name of Regulations [see Note 1]

  2 Commencement

  3 Interpretation

  Part 2 Food control

  3A To what food does the Act not apply?

  4 When is food taken to have been imported for private consumption?

  5 How is a food control certificate obtained?

  Part 3 Food Inspection Scheme

  6 What constitutes the Food Inspection Scheme

  7 What orders may the Minister make in relation to the Scheme?

  8 How may food be classified?

  9 What is meant by risk food?

  10 What is meant by compliance agreement food?

  11 What is meant by surveillance food?

  12 How can food receive a different classification?

  13 What food is subject to inspection?

  14 At what rate must food be referred for inspection?

  15 What is the rate of inspection for risk food?

  16 At what rate is risk food first inspected?

  17 When may the rate of inspection for risk food be altered?

  18 When is food taken to be failing food?

  19 When, and at what rate, may food related to failing food be inspected?

  20 When, and at what rate, may reprocessed food be inspected?

  21 What surveillance food is to be inspected?

  22 What sampling procedures are followed in inspection of food?

  23 How is food that is subject of a holding order treated?

  24 What is an imported food inspection advice?

  25 How is food subject to inspection to be marked?

  26 How is food subject to inspection to be held?

  27 Are there any exceptions to the rules relating to the holding of risk food?

  28 Who is to analyse food under the Scheme?

  29 How is food to be analysed under the Scheme?

  30 What are the powers of authorised officers?

  31 How does the holding of a foreign government or quality assurance certificate affect the incidence of inspection, of food?

  32 How is the reliability of foreign government or quality assurance certificates verified?

  Part 4 Fees

  33 What fees are payable for chargeable services?

  34 When must a fee be paid for analysis of food?

  35 When may fees be waived?

  36 What are prescribed chargeable services?


  Schedule 1 Selection of samples

  Schedule 2 Fees for chargeable services

  Part 1 Interpretation

  1 Definitions

  Part 2 Fees for chargeable services performed during ordinary hours of duty

  Part 3 Additional fees for chargeable services performed out of ordinary hours of duty

  具体内容请详见 进口食品管制条例Imported Food Control Regulations 1993 F2009C01275.pdf




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