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§107.10 婴儿配方粉营养素信息(Nutrient information)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-04-22 15:45:09  来源:GOP  浏览次数:4072
发布文号 50 FR 1840
发布日期 1985-01-14 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 婴儿配方粉的标签必须符合法规201的规定。标签上必须以该节中规定的次序、单位并以表格的形式标注下列与产品配制有关的信息并与婴儿消费的标签说明想一致。说明提供100kcal热量所需食品的液量盎司数,说明100kcal中表格中各种营养素的含量。以及其他相关规定。

       更多关于婴儿配方粉的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第107部分关于婴儿配方粉的法规汇总

  § 107.10   Nutrient information.

  (a) The labeling of infant formulas, as defined in section 201(aa) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, shall bear in the order given, in the units specified, and in tabular format, the following information regarding the product as prepared in accordance with label directions for infant consumption:

  (1) A statement of the number of fluid ounces supplying 100 kilocalories (in case of food label statements, a kilocalorie is represented by the word “Calorie”); and

  (2) A statement of the amount of each of the following nutrients supplied by 100 kilocalories:

Nutrients Unit of measurement
Protein Grams.
Fat Grams.
Carbohydrate Grams.
Water Grams.
Linoleic acid Milligrams.
Vitamin A International units.
Vitamin D International units.
Vitamin E International units.
Vitamin K Micrograms.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Micrograms.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2 Micrograms.
Vitamin B6 Micrograms.
Vitamin B12 Micrograms.
Niacin Micrograms.
Folic acid (Folacin) Micrograms.
Pantothenic acid Micrograms.
Biotin Micrograms.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) Milligrams.
Choline Milligrams.
Inositol Milligrams.
Calcium Milligrams.
Phosphorus Milligrams.
Magnesium Milligrams.
Iron Milligrams.
Zinc Milligrams.
Manganese Micrograms.
Copper Micrograms.
Iodine Micrograms.
Sodium Milligrams.
Potassium Milligrams.
Chloride Milligrams.

  (b) In addition the following apply:

  (1) Vitamin A content may also be declared on the label in units of microgram retinol equivalents, vitamin D content in units of micrograms cholecalciferol, vitamin E content in units of milligram alpha-tocopherol equivalents, and sodium, potassium, and chloride content in units of millimoles, micromoles, or milliequivalents. When these declarations are made they shall appear in parentheses immediately following the declarations in International Units for vitamins A, D, and E, and immediately following the declarations in milligrams for sodium, potassium, and chloride.

  (2) Biotin, choline, and inositol content shall be declared except when they are not added to milk-based infant formulas.

  (3) Each of the listed nutrients, and the caloric density, may also be declared on the label on other bases, such as per 100 milliliters or per liter, as prepared for infant consumption.

  (4) One of the following statements shall appear on the principal display panel, as appropriate:

  (i) The statement “Infant Formula With Iron”, or a similar statement, if the product contains 1 milligram or more of iron in a quantity of product that supplies 100 kilocalories when prepared in accordance with label directions for infant consumption.

  (ii) The statement “Additional Iron May Be Necessary”, or a similar statement, if the product contains less than 1 milligram of iron in a quantity of product that supplies 100 kilocalories when prepared in accordance with label directions for infant consumption.

  (5) Any additional vitamin may be declared at the bottom of the vitamin list and any additional minerals may be declared between iodine and sodium, provided that any additionally declared nutrient (i) has been identified as essential by the National Academy of Sciences through its development of a recommended dietary allowance or an estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake range, or has been identified as essential by the Food and Drug Administration through a  Federal Register  publication or establishment of a U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance, and (ii) is provided at a level considered in these publications as having biological significance, when these levels are known.

  [50 FR 1840, Jan. 14, 1985, as amended at 67 FR 9585, Mar. 4, 2002]



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