Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Preservatives to Enable the Use of Propionic Acid and Sodium Propionate as Preservatives in Ready-to-Eat Meat Products and Ready-to-Eat Poultry Meat Products - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0112
Health Canada's Food Directorate received a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of propionic acid and sodium propionate as preservatives in ready-to-eat meat products and ready-to-eat poultry meat products to control the growth of the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes in these foods.
Both additives were already permitted for use as preservatives in certain other foods. The Food Directorate did not identify any safety concerns with permitting their use as Class II preservatives in ready-to-eat meat products and ready-to-eat poultry meat products. Therefore, as explained in the Notice of Modification (see “Information Document” below), Health Canada has enabled the use of propionic acid and sodium propionate in these foods by modifying Part 2 of the List of Permitted Preservatives, effective April 4, 2018.
The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide contact information for inquiries or for those wishing to submit new scientific information relevant to the safety of these food additives.
Information Document
To obtain an electronic copy of the Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Preservatives to Enable the Use of Propionic Acid and Sodium Propionate as Preservatives in Ready-to-Eat Meat Products and Ready-to-Eat Poultry Meat Products - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0112, please contact our publications office or send an e-mail to with the subject heading "HPFB BCS NOM-ADM-0112-ENG".