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§156.145 番茄汁(Tomato juice)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-24 10:54:12  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3820
发布文号 58 FR 2883
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 番茄汁是从成熟番茄中提取的未发酵的液体,可经过均质、加盐调味、并可加有机酸酸化。“番茄汁”是指番茄提取的未经浓缩、未经稀释的液体制成的,“用浓缩液制成的番茄汁”是用本节(a)(1)中规定的浓缩番茄汁制成的成品汁。各种配料必须按本章101部分和130部分中有关要求在标签上加以标注。本章还规定了番茄汁的质量标准和抽样及检测方法。

   §156.145 Tomato juice
  (a) Identity— (1) Definition. Tomato juice is the food intended for direct consumption, obtained from the unfermented liquid extracted from mature tomatoes of the red or reddish varieties of Lycopersicum esculentum P. Mill, with or without scalding followed by draining. In the extraction of such liquid, heat may be applied by any method which does not add water thereto. Such juice is strained free from peel, seeds, and other coarse or hard substances, but contains finely divided insoluble solids from the flesh of the tomato in accordance with currentgood manufacturing practice. Such juice may be homogenized, may be seasoned with salt, and may be acidified with any safe and suitable organic acid. The juice may have been concentrated and later reconstituted with water and/or tomato juice to a tomato soluble solids content of not less than 5.0 percent by weight as determined by the method prescribed in § 156.3(b). The food is preserved by heat sterilization (canning), refrigeration, or freezing. When sealed in a container to be held at ambient temperatures, it is so processed by heat, before or after sealing, as to prevent spoilage.

  (2) Labeling. (i) The name of the food is:

  (a) “Tomato juice” if it is prepared from unconcentrated undiluted liquid extracted from mature tomatoes of reddish varieties.

  (b) “Tomato juice from concentrate” if the finished juice has been prepared from concentrated tomato juice as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section or if the finished juice is a mixture of tomato juice and tomato juice from concentrate.

  (ii) Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter.

  (b) Quality. (1) The standard of quality for tomato juice is as follows:

  (i) The strength and redness of color is not less than the composite color produced by spinning the Munsell color discs in the following combination: 53 percent of the area of Disc 1; 28 percent of the area of Disc 2; and 19 percent of the area of either Disc 3 or Disc 4; or 9 1/2 percent of the area of Disc 3 and 9 1/2 percent of the area of Disc 4, whichever most nearly matches the appearance of the tomato juice.

  (ii) Not more than two defects for peel and blemishes, either singly or in combination, in addition to three defects for seeds or pieces of seeds, defined as follows, per 500 milliliters (16.9 fluid ounces):

  (a) Pieces of peel 3.2 millimeters (0.125 inch) or greater in length.

  (b) Blemishes such as dark brown or black particles (specks) greater than 1.6 millimeters (0.0625 inch) in length.

  (c) Seeds or pieces of seeds 3.2 millimeters (0.125 inch) or greater in length.

  (2) Methodology. (i) Determine strength and redness of color as specified in § 156.3(a).

  (ii) Examine a total of 500 milliliters for peel, blemishes, and seeds. Divide the 500-milliliter sample into two 250-milliliter aliquots and pour each aliquot onto separate 30.5 × 45.7 centimeters (12 × 18 inches) white grading trays. Remove defects and evaluate for color and size as defined in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section.

  (3) Determine compliance as specified in § 156.3(d).

  (4) If the quality of the tomato juice falls below the standard prescribed in paragraph (b)(1) and (3) of this section, the label shall bear the general statement of substandard quality specified in § 130.14(a) of this chapter, in the manner and form therein specified, but in lieu of such general statement of substandard quality when the quality of the tomato juice falls below the standard in one or more respects, the label may bear the alternative statement, “Below Standard in Quality ___”, the blank to be filled in with the words specified after the corresponding paragraph (s) under paragraph (b)(1) of this section which such tomato juice fails to meet, as follows:

  (i) “Poor color”。

  (ii) (a) “Excessive pieces of peel”。

  (b) “Excessive blemishes”。

  (c) “Excessive seeds” or “excessive pieces of seed”。

  (c) Fill of container. (1) The standard of fill of container for tomato juice, as determined by the general method for fill of container prescribed in § 130.12(b) of this chapter, is not less than 90 percent of the total capacity, except when the food is frozen.

  (2) Determine compliance as specified in § 156.3(d).

  (3) If the tomato juice falls below the standard of fill prescribed in paragraph (c)(1) and (2) of this section, the label shall bear the general statement of substandard fill specified in § 130.14(b) of this chapter, in the manner and form therein prescribed.

    [48 FR 3957, Jan. 28, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 2883, Jan. 6, 1993]



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