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§155.172 干豌豆罐头(Canned dry peas)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-24 08:50:46  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3277
核心提示:干豌豆罐头与155.170(a)中对豌豆罐头所规定的定义和特性标准相符,并遵循其对配料的标签说明要求,不同的是任选豌豆为Pisum sativum L.中豌豆,155.170(a)(2)(vii)中规定的任选配料不得使用,本食品名称为“熟干豌豆”或“浸泡的干豌豆”。155.170(a)(3)中规定的名词(短语):“早熟”、“六月”、“甜性”、“绿色”、“皱皮的”或他们的组合短语在标签上不得使用。此外,本法规规定了干豌豆罐头的质量指标和检测方法
发布文号 58 FR 2883
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 干豌豆罐头与155.170(a)中对豌豆罐头所规定的定义和特性标准相符,并遵循其对配料的标签说明要求,不同的是任选豌豆为Pisum sativum L.中豌豆,155.170(a)(2)(xii)中规定的任选配料不得使用,本食品名称为“熟干豌豆”或“浸泡的干豌豆”。155.170(a)(3)中规定的名词(短语):“早熟”、“六月”、“甜性”、“绿色”、“皱皮的”或他们的组合短语在标签上不得使用。此外,本法规规定了干豌豆罐头的质量指标和检测方法

更多有关蔬菜罐头的法规,见美国FDA 21 CFR 第155部分关于蔬菜罐头的法规汇总
  §155.172 Canned dry peas.
  (a) Identity. Canned dry peas conforms to the definition and standard of identity, and is subject to the requirements for label declaration of ingredients, prescribed for canned peas by § 155.170(a), except that:

  (1) The optional pea ingredient is the dry seeds of the pea plant of the species Pisum sativum L. but excluding the subspecies macrocarpum.

  (2) The optional ingredients specified in § 155.170(a)(2)(xii) shall not be used.

  (3) The name of the food is “cooked dry peas” or “soaked dry peas”。 The optional terms specified by § 155.170(a)(3), “early”, “June”, “sweet”, “green”, “wrinkled”, or any combination thereof, shall not be used on the labels.

  (b) Quality. (1) The standard of quality for canned dry peas is that specified for canned peas by § 155.170(b) except that:

  (i) The alcohol-insoluble solids maximums specified in § 155.170(b)(1)(vi) do not apply.

  (ii) The skins of not more than 25 percent by count of the peas in the container are ruptured to a width of 1.6 millimeters (0.06 inch) or more.

  (2) If the quality of canned dry peas falls below the standard of quality prescribed by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the label shall bear the statement of substandard quality in the manner and form specified in § 155.170(b)(3) for canned peas, except that the words “Excessively mealy” shall not be used.

  (c) Fill of container. (1) The standard of fill of container for canned dry peas is that prescribed for canned peas by § 155.170(c).

  (2) If canned dry peas fall below the standard of fill of container prescribed by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the label shall bear the general statement of substandard fill specified in § 130.14(b) of this chapter, in the manner and form therein specified.

  [45 FR 43399, June 27, 1980, as amended at 48 FR 15241, Apr. 8, 1983; 58 FR 2883, Jan. 6, 1993]



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