当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§173.315 用于果蔬洗涤或有助于果蔬去皮的化学品(Chemicals used in washing or to assist in the peeling of fruits and vegetables)

§173.315 用于果蔬洗涤或有助于果蔬去皮的化学品(Chemicals used in washing or to assist in the peeling of fruits and vegetables)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-07-13 08:46:54  来源:GPO  浏览次数:4378
发布文号 64 FR 38564
发布日期 1999-07-19 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 可安全地用于果蔬洗涤或帮助碱液去皮的化学品,如烷基醇与环氧烯烃的加成物和烷基醇与环氧烯烃的加成物的磷酸酯所组成的混合物、含有戊酸、己酸、庚酸、辛酸和壬酸的混合脂肪酸、正烷烃苯磺酸钠、十二烷基苯磺酸钠、2-乙基己基硫酸钠、次氯酸钠、单、双甲基苯磺酸钠及其用途和使用限量。

  § 173.315   Chemicals used in washing or to assist in the peeling of fruits and vegetables.

  Chemicals may be safely used to wash or to assist in the peeling of fruits and vegetables in accordance with the following conditions:

  (a) The chemicals consist of one or more of the following:

  (1) Substances generally recognized as safe in food or covered by prior sanctions for use in washing fruits and vegetables.

  (2) Substances identified in this subparagraph and subject to such limitations as are provided:

Substances Limitations
A mixture of alkylene oxide adducts of alkyl alcohols and phosphate esters of alkylene oxide adducts of alkyl alcohols consisting of: α-alkyl (C12-C18) -omega- hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) (7.5–8.5 moles)/poly (oxypropylene) block copolymer having an average molecular weight of 810; α-alkyl (C12-C18) -omega -hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) (3.3–3.7 moles) polymer having an average molecular weight of 380, and subsequently esterified with 1.25 moles phosphoric anhydride; and α-alkyl (C10-C12) -omega- hydroxypoly (oxyethylene) (11.9–12.9 moles)/poly (oxypropylene) copolymer, having an average molecular weight of 810, and subsequently esterified with 1.25 moles phosphoric anhydride May be used at a level not to exceed 0.2 percent in lye-peeling solution to assist in the lye peeling of fruit and vegetables.
Aliphatic acid mixture consisting of valeric, caproic, enanthic, caprylic, and pelargonic acids May be used at a level not to exceed 1 percent in lye peeling solution to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables.
Polyacrylamide Not to exceed 10 parts per million in wash water. Contains not more than 0.2 percent acrylamide monomer. May be used in the washing of fruits and vegetables.
Potassium bromide May be used in the washing or to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables.
Sodium n- alkylbenzene-sulfonate (alkyl group predominantly C12and C13and not less than 95 percent C10to C16) Not to exceed 0.2 percent in wash water. May be used in washing or to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables.
Sodium dodecylbenzene-sulfonate (alkyl group predominantly C12and not less than 95% C10to C16) Do.
Sodium 2 ethyl-hexyl sulfate Do.
Sodium hypochlorite May be used in the washing or to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables.
Sodium mono- and dimethyl naphthalene sulfonates (mol. wt. 245–260) Not to exceed 0.2 percent in wash water. May be used in the washing or to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables.

      (3) Sodium mono- and dimethyl naphthalene sulfonates (mol. wt. 245–260) may be used in the steam/scald vacuum peeling of tomatoes at a level not to exceed 0.2 percent in the condensate or scald water.

  (4) Substances identified in this paragraph (a)(4) for use in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to the slicing operation and subject to the limitations as are provided for the level of the substances in the flume water:

Substance Limitations
α-Alkyl- omega -hydroxypoly-(oxyethylene) produced by condensation of 1 mole of C11-C486315straight chain randomly substituted secondary alcohols with an average of 9 moles of ethylene oxide Not to exceed 3 ppm.
Linear undecylbenzenesulfonic acid Do.
Dialkanolamide produced by condensing 1 mole of methyl laurate with 1.05 moles of diethanolamine Not to exceed 2 ppm.
Triethanolamine  Do.
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether Not to exceed 1 ppm.
Oleic acid conforming with §172.860 of this chapter Do.
Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate Not to exceed 0.3 ppm.
Monoethanolamine  Do.
Ethylene dichloride Not to exceed 0.2 ppm.
Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate Not to exceed 0.1 ppm.

  (5) Substances identified in this paragraph (a)(5) for use on fruits and vegetables that are not raw agricultural commodities and subject to the limitations provided:
Substances Limitations
Hydrogen peroxide Used in combination with acetic acid to form peroxyacetic acid. Not to exceed 59 ppm in wash water.
1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid May be used only with peroxyacetic acid. Not to exceed 4.8 ppm in wash water.
Peroxyacetic acid Prepared by reacting acetic acid with hydrogen peroxide. Not to exceed 80 ppm in wash water.

      (b) The chemicals are used in amounts not in excess of the minimum required to accomplish their intended effect.

  (c) The use of the chemicals listed under paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(4) is followed by rinsing with potable water to remove, to the extent possible, residues of the chemicals.

  (d) To assure safe use of the additive:

  (1) The label and labeling of the additive container shall bear, in addition to the other information required by the act, the name of the additive or a statement of its composition.

  (2) The label or labeling of the additive container shall bear adequate use directions to assure use in compliance with all provisions of this section.

  [42 FR 14526, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 42 FR 29856, June 10, 1977; 42 FR 32229, June 24, 1977; 43 FR 54926, Nov. 24, 1978; 61 FR 46376, 46377, Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR 7069, Feb. 12, 1998; 64 FR 38564, July 19, 1999]

  更多关于美国 FDA 可直接加入食品中的辅助性食品添加剂的种类法规,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第173部分可直接加入食品中的辅助性食品添加剂种类汇总



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