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§172.892 食品添加剂食用改性淀粉(Food starch-modified)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-05-03 16:15:39  来源:GPO  浏览次数:5717
发布文号 42 FR 14491
发布日期 1977-03-15 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 规定食品添加剂食用改性淀粉安全应用于食品中需符合的条件。任何导致改性作用的物质,其用量以能满足所需达到的物理或技术效果为限,或不超过任何规定的限制条件。并列出了对食用淀粉进行改性的处理方法及限制条件。

  § 172.892   Food starch-modified.

  Food starch-modified as described in this section may be safely used in food. The quantity of any substance employed to effect such modification shall not exceed the amount reasonably required to accomplish the intended physical or technical effect, nor exceed any limitation prescribed. To insure safe use of the food starch-modified, the label of the food additive container shall bear the name of the additive “food starch-modified” in addition to other information required by the Act. Food starch may be modified by treatment prescribed as follows:

  (a) Food starch may be acid-modified by treatment with hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid or both.

  (b) Food starch may be bleached by treatment with one or more of the following:

Active oxygen obtained from hydrogen peroxide and/or peracetic acid, not to exceed 0.45 percent of active oxygen  
Ammonium persulfate, not to exceed 0.075 percent and sulfur dioxide, not to exceed 0.05 percent  
Chlorine, as calcium hypochlorite, not to exceed 0.036 percent of dry starch The finished food starch-modified is limited to use only as a component of batter for commercially processed foods.
Chlorine, as sodium hypochlorite, not to exceed 0.0082 pound of chlorine per pound of dry starch  
Potassium permanganate, not to exceed 0.2 percent Residual manganese (calculated as Mn), not to exceed 50 parts per million in food starch-modified.
Sodium chlorite, not to exceed 0.5 percent  

      (c) Food starch may be oxidized by treatment with chlorine, as sodium hypochlorite, not to exceed 0.055 pound of chlorine per pound of dry starch.

  (d) Food starch may be esterified by treatment with one of the following:

Acetic anhydride Acetyl groups in food starch-modified not to exceed 2.5 percent.
Adipic anhydride, not to exceed 0.12 percent, and acetic anhydride Acetyl groups in food starch-modified not to exceed 2.5 percent.
Monosodium orthophosphate Residual phosphate in food starch-modified not to exceed 0.4 percent calculated as phosphorus.
1–Octenyl succinic anhydride, not to exceed 3 percent  
1–Octenyl succinic anhydride, not to exceed 2 percent, and aluminum sulfate, not to exceed 2 percent  
1-Octenyl succinic anhydride, not to exceed 3 percent, followed by treatment with a beta -amylase enzyme that is either an approved food additive of is generally recognized as safe Limited to use as a stabilizer or emulsifier in beverages and beverage bases as defined in §170.3(n)(3) of this chapter.
Phosphorus oxychloride, not to exceed 0.1 percent  
Phosphorus oxychloride, not to exceed 0.1 percent, followed by either acetic anhydride, not to exceed 8 percent, or vinyl acetate, not to exceed 7.5 percent Acetyl groups in food starch-modified not to exceed 2.5 percent.
Sodium trimetaphosphate Residual phosphate in food starch-modified not to exceed 0.04 percent, calculated as phosphorus.
Sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium trimetaphosphate Residual phosphate in food starch-modified not to exceed 0.4 percent calculated as phosphorus.
Succinic anhydride, not to exceed 4 percent  
Vinyl acetate Acetyl groups in food starch-modified not to exceed 2.5 percent.

  (e) Food starch may be etherified by treatment with one of the following:

Acrolein, not to exceed 0.6 percent  
Epichlorohydrin, not to exceed 0.3 percent  
Epichlorohydrin, not to exceed 0.1 percent, and propylene oxide, not to exceed 10 percent, added in combination or in any sequence Residual propylene chlorohydrin not more than 5 parts per million in food starch-modified.
Epichlorohydrin, not to exceed 0.1 percent, followed by propylene oxide, not to exceed 25 percent Residual propylene chlorohydrin not more than 5 parts per million in food starch-modified.
Propylene oxide, not to exceed 25 percent Residual propylene chlorohydrin not more than 5 parts per million in food starch-modified.

  (f) Food starch may be esterified and etherified by treatment with one of the following:

Acrolein, not to exceed 0.6 percent and vinyl acetate, not to exceed 7.5 percent Acetyl groups in food starch-modified not to exceed 2.5 percent.
Epichlorohydrin, not to exceed 0.3 percent, and acetic anhydride Acetyl groups in food starch-modified not to exceed 2.5 percent.
Epichlorohydrin, not to exceed 0.3 percent, and succinic anhydride, not to exceed 4 percent  
Phosphorus oxychloride, not to exceed 0.1 percent, and propylene oxide, not to exceed 10 percent Residual propylene chlorohydrin not more than 5 parts per million in food starch-modified.

  (g) Food starch may be modified by treatment with one of the following:

Chlorine, as sodium hypochlorite, not to exceed 0.055 pound of chlorine per pound of dry starch; 0.45 percent of active oxygen obtained from hydrogen peroxide; and propylene oxide, not to exceed 25 percent Residual propylene chlorohydrin not more than 5 parts per million in food starch-modified.
Sodium hydroxide, not to exceed 1 percent  

      (h) Food starch may be modified by a combination of the treatments prescribed by paragraphs (a), (b), and/or (i) of this section and any one of the treatments prescribed by paragraph (c), (d), (e), (f), or (g) of this section, subject to any limitations prescribed by the paragraphs named.

  (i) Food starch may be modified by treatment with the following enzymes:

Enzyme Limitations
Alpha-amylase (E.C. The enzyme must be generally recognized as safe or approved as a food additive for this purpose. The resulting nonsweet nutritive saccharide polymer has a dextrose equivalent of less than 20.
Beta-amylase (E.C.  
Glucoamylase (E.C.  
Isoamylase (E.C.  
Pullulanase (E.C.  

  [42 FR 14491, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 11697, Mar. 21, 1978; 46 FR 32015, June 19, 1981; 57 FR 54700, Nov. 20, 1992; 58 FR 21100, Apr. 19, 1993; 66 FR 17509, Apr. 2, 2001]

  更多关于美国 FDA 已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类法规,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第172部分已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类汇总
 地区: 美国 
 标签: 食品添加剂 


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