当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§172.808 食品添加剂环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷的共聚物(Copolymer condensates of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide)

§172.808 食品添加剂环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷的共聚物(Copolymer condensates of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-04-29 08:40:42  来源:GPO  浏览次数:4429
发布文号 42 FR 14491
发布日期 1977-03-15 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 规定了食品添加剂环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷的共聚物安全应用于食品中需符合的条件。本添加剂用作食品香料浓缩物的助溶剂和稳定剂,其用量应不超过香料浓缩物中精油的含量。可与磺基钠丁二酸二辛酯配合用做富马酸的加工助剂和吸湿剂。用做禽类脱毛用热水浴的表面活性剂和消泡剂,用量不得超过液量的0.05%,温度不应超过52摄氏度。用做猪脱毛机中控制泡沫和淋洗助剂,其用量每头猪不超过5g。可用做酵母发酵的焙烤制品面团调节剂,总用量不得超过面粉量的0.5%。

  § 172.808   Copolymer condensates of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.

  Copolymer condensates of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide may be safely used in food under the following prescribed conditions:

  (a) The additive consists of one of the following:

  (1) α-Hydro- omega -hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) poly(oxypropylene)-(55–61 moles)poly(oxyethylene) block copolymer, having a molecular weight range of 9,760–13,200 and a cloud point above 100 °C in 1 percent aqueous solution.

  (2) α-Hydro -omega- hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene)-(53–59 moles)poly(oxyethylene)(14–16 moles) block copolymer, having a molecular weight range of 3,500–4,125 and a cloud point of 9 °C–12 °C in 10 percent aqueous solution.

  (3) α-Hydro- omega -hydroxy-poly(ox-yethylene)/poly(oxypropylene) (minimum 15 moles)/poly(oxyethylene) block copolymer, having a minimum average molecular weight of 1900 and a minimum cloud point of 9 °C–12 °C in 10 percent aqueous solution.

  (4) α-Hydro- omega -hydroxy-poly(ox-yethylene) poly (oxypropylene)-(51–57 moles) poly(oxyethylene) block copolymer, having an average molecular weight of 14,000 and a cloud point above 100 °C in 1 percent aqueous solution.

  (b) The additive is used or intended for use as follows:

  (1) The additive identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is used in practice as a solubilizing and stabilizing agent in flavor concentrates (containing authorized flavoring oils) for use in foods for which standards of identity established under section 401 of the Act do not preclude such use, provided that the weight of the additive does not exceed the weight of the flavoring oils in the flavor concentrate.

  (2) The additive identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section is used as a processing aid and wetting agent in combination with dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate for fumaric acid as prescribed in §172.810.

  (3) The additive identified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section is used:

  (i) As a surfactant and defoaming agent, at levels not to exceed 0.05 percent by weight, in scald baths for poultry defeathering, followed by potable water rinse. The temperatures of the scald baths shall be not less than 125 °F.

  (ii) As a foam control and rinse adjuvant in hog dehairing machines at a use level of not more than 5 grams per hog.

  (4) The additive identified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section is used as a dough conditioner in yeast-leavened bakery products for which standards of identity established under section 401 of the Act do not preclude such use, provided that the amount of the additive dose not exceed 0.5 percent by weight of the flour used.

  [42 FR 14491, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 46 FR 57476, Nov. 24, 1981]

  更多关于美国 FDA 已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类法规,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第172部分已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类汇总



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