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§172.725 食品添加剂赤霉酸及其钾盐(Gibberellic acid and its potassium salt)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-04-28 13:35:53  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3450
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备注 规定食品添加剂赤霉酸及其钾盐安全地用于大麦的发芽需符合的条件。本添加剂用于大麦的发芽,其处理条件取决于成品麦芽中的赤霉酸或其盐或二者含量以不超过2mg/kg为限,同时,处理过的麦芽只限于制造麦芽发酵饮料或蒸馏酒,且在由此所制得的蒸馏酒中不得存在,而在麦芽饮料成品中含量不得超过0.5mg/kg。

  § 172.725   Gibberellic acid and its potassium salt.

  The food additives gibberellic acid and its potassium salt may be used in the malting of barley in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:

  (a) The additives meet the following specifications:

  (1) The gibberellic acid is produced by deep-culture fermentation of a suitable nutrient medium by a strain of Fusarium moniliforme or a selection of this culture.

  (2) The gibberellic acid produced is of 80 percent purity or better.

  (3) The empirical formula of gibberellic acid is represented by C19H22O6.

  (4) Potassium gibberellate is the potassium salt of the specified gibberellic acid.

  (5) The potassium gibberellate is of 80 percent purity or better.

  (6) The gibberellic acid or potassium gibberellate may be diluted with substances generally recognized as safe in foods or with salts of fatty acids conforming to §172.863.

  (b) They are used or intended for use in the malting of barley under conditions whereby the amount of either or both additives present in the malt is not in excess of 2 parts per million expressed as gibberellic acid, and the treated malt is to be used in the production of fermented malt beverages or distilled spirits only, whereby the finished distilled spirits contain none and the finished malt beverage contains not more than 0.5 part per million of gibberellic acid.

  (c) To insure the safe use of the food additives the label of the package shall bear, in addition to the other information required by the Act:

  (1) The name of the additive, “gibberellic acid” or “potassium gibberellate”, whichever is appropriate.

  (2) An accurate statement of the concentration of the additive contained in the package.

  (3) Adequate use directions to provide not more than 2 parts per million of gibberellic acid in the finished malt.

  (4) Adequate labeling directions to provide that the final malt is properly labeled as described in paragraph (d) of this section.

  (d) To insure the safe use of the additive the label of the treated malt shall bear, in addition to the other information required by the Act, the statements:

  (1) “Contains not more than 2 parts per million ___”, the blank being filled in with the words “gibberellic acid” or “potassium gibberellate”, whichever is appropriate; and

  (2) “Brewer's malt—To be used in the production of fermented malt beverages only” or “Distiller's malt—To be used in the production of distilled spirits only”, whichever is appropriate.

  更多关于美国 FDA 已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类法规,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第172部分已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类汇总



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