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§417.2 危害分析和HACCP计划(Hazard Analysis and HACCP Plan)

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核心提示:  每个企业都必须对确定的生产过程中很可能发生的食品安全危害进行或已进行了危害分析,并确立了企业可用于控制这些危害的预防措施。危害分析必须包括进入企业前,在企业中和进入企业后可能发生的食品安全危害。一种可能发生的食品安全危害,因历史上曾发生过,或在加工特殊类型产品中因缺少这些控制存在着将会发生的可能性,对此企业要慎重地进行控制。
发布文号 61 FR 38868
发布日期 1996-07-25 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注   每个企业都必须对确定的生产过程中很可能发生的食品安全危害进行或已进行了危害分析,并确立了企业可用于控制这些危害的预防措施。危害分析必须包括进入企业前,在企业中和进入企业后可能发生的食品安全危害。一种可能发生的食品安全危害,因历史上曾发生过,或在加工特殊类型产品中因缺少这些控制存在着将会发生的可能性,对此企业要慎重地进行控制。


     § 417.2   Hazard Analysis and HACCP Plan.

  (a) Hazard analysis. (1) Every official establishment shall conduct, or have conducted for it, a hazard analysis to determine the food safety hazards reasonably likely to occur in the production process and identify the preventive measures the establishment can apply to control those hazards. The hazard analysis shall include food safety hazards that can occur before, during, and after entry into the establishment. A food safety hazard that is reasonably likely to occur is one for which a prudent establishment would establish controls because it historically has occurred, or because there is a reasonable possibility that it will occur in the particular type of product being processed, in the absence of those controls.

  (2) A flow chart describing the steps of each process and product flow in the establishment shall be prepared, and the intended use or consumers of the finished product shall be identified.

  (3) Food safety hazards might be expected to arise from the following:

  (i) Natural toxins;

  (ii) Microbiological contamination;

  (iii) Chemical contamination;

  (iv) Pesticides;

  (v) Drug residues;

  (vi) Zoonotic diseases;

  (vii) Decomposition;

  (viii) Parasites;

  (ix) Unapproved use of direct or indirect food or color additives; and

  (x) Physical hazards.

  (b) The HACCP plan. (1) Every establishment shall develop and implement a written HACCP plan covering each product produced by that establishment whenever a hazard analysis reveals one or more food safety hazards that are reasonably likely to occur, based on the hazard analysis conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, including products in the following processing categories:

  (i) Slaughter—all species.

  (ii) Raw product—ground.

  (iii) Raw product—not ground.

  (iv) Thermally processed—commercially sterile.

  (v) Not heat treated—shelf stable.

  (vi) Heat treated—shelf stable.

  (vii) Fully cooked—not shelf stable.

  (viii) Heat treated but not fully cooked—not shelf stable.

  (ix) Product with secondary inhibitors—not shelf stable.

  (2) A single HACCP plan may encompass multiple products within a single processing category identified in this paragraph, if the food safety hazards, critical control points, critical limits, and procedures required to be identified and performed in paragraph (c) of this section are essentially the same, provided that any required features of the plan that are unique to a specific product are clearly delineated in the plan and are observed in practice.

  (3) HACCP plans for thermally processed/commercially sterile products do not have to address the food safety hazards associated with microbiological contamination if the product is produced in accordance with the requirements of part 318, subpart G, or part 381, subpart X, of this chapter.

  (c) The contents of the HACCP plan. The HACCP plan shall, at a minimum:

  (1) List the food safety hazards identified in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, which must be controlled for each process.

  (2) List the critical control points for each of the identified food safety hazards, including, as appropriate:

  (i) Critical control points designed to control food safety hazards that could be introduced in the establishment, and

  (ii) Critical control points designed to control food safety hazards introduced outside the establishment, including food safety hazards that occur before, during, and after entry into the establishment;

  (3) List the critical limits that must be met at each of the critical control points. Critical limits shall, at a minimum, be designed to ensure that applicable targets or performance standards established by FSIS, and any other requirement set forth in this chapter pertaining to the specific process or product, are met;

  (4) List the procedures, and the frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that will be used to monitor each of the critical control points to ensure compliance with the critical limits;

  (5) Include all corrective actions that have been developed in accordance with §417.3(a) of this part, to be followed in response to any deviation from a critical limit at a critical control point; and

  (6) Provide for a recordkeeping system that documents the monitoring of the critical control points. The records shall contain the actual values and observations obtained during monitoring.

  (7) List the verification procedures, and the frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that the establishment will use in accordance with §417.4 of this part.

  (d) Signing and dating the HACCP plan. (1) The HACCP plan shall be signed and dated by the responsible establishment individual. This signature shall signify that the establishment accepts and will implement the HACCP plan.

  (2) The HACCP plan shall be dated and signed:

  (i) Upon initial acceptance;

  (ii) Upon any modification; and

  (iii) At least annually, upon reassessment, as required under §417.4(a)(3) of this part.

  (e) Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 456, 463, 608, and 621, the failure of an establishment to develop and implement a HACCP plan that complies with this section, or to operate in accordance with the requirements of this part, may render the products produced under those conditions adulterated.

  [61 FR 38868, July 25, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 61009, Nov. 14, 1997]

  §417.2 危害分析和HACCP计划



  (2) 必须制定企业内记述每个加工步骤和产品流向的流程图,还必须确定成品的预期用途或消费。

  (3) 食品安全危害可能来自以下方面:










  (x) 物理危害













  (3)如果热加工或商业的无菌产品是按照本章part 318,subpart G或part 381,subpart

  X的要求加工的,则该产品的HACCP计划 需提出与微生物污染有关的食品安全危害。



  (1) 列出按照本节(a)段所确定的,对每个加工过程必须得以控制的食品安全危害。

  (2) 列出对每个所确定的食品安全危害的关键控制点,可能的话,包括:





  (4) 列出将用于监控每个关键控制点以保证符合关键限值的方法和使用这些方法的频率。

  (5) 包括按照本部分417.3(a),相对于任何偏离关键控制点的关键限值制定的所有纠正措施。

  (6) 提供证实监测关键控制点的记录保存系统。该记录必须包括监控期间得到的实际值和观测结果。

  (7) 列出按照本部分417.4 企业将要采用的审核程序及完成这些程序的频率。


  (1) HACCP计划必须由企业负责人签名并注明日期,此签字必须意味着该企业将采用和实施此HACCP计划。

  (2) HACCP计划必须注明日期并签名:




  (e)依据21U S C 608和621,企业没按本节制定和实施HACCP计划,或没按本部分要求操作,那么可能提供在这种低劣条件下生产的产品。

 地区: 美国 
 标签: 预防 HACCP 


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