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§70.42 评价着色剂安全性的依据(Criteria for evaluating the safety of color additives)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-04-16 14:15:04  来源:GPO  浏览次数:2798
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备注 规定了评价着色剂安全性的依据。


     § 70.42   Criteria for evaluating the safety of color additives.

  (a) In deciding whether a petition is complete and suitable for filing and in reaching a decision on any petition filed, the Commissioner will apply the “safe-for-use” principle. This will require the presentation of all needed scientific data in support of a proposed listing to assure that each listed color additive will be safe for its intended use or uses in or on food, drugs, or cosmetics. The Commissioner may list a color additive for use generally in or on food, in or on drugs, or in or on cosmetics when he finds from the data presented that such additive is suitable and may safely be employed for such general use; he may list an additive only for more limited use or uses for which it is proven suitable and may safely be employed; and he is authorized to prescribe broadly the conditions under which the additive may be safely employed for such use or uses. This may allow the use of a particular dye, pigment, or other substance with certain diluents, but not with others, or at a higher concentration with some than with others.

  (b) The safety for external color additives will normally be determined by tests for acute oral toxicity, primary irritation, sensitization, subacute dermal toxicity on intact and abraded skin, and carcinogenicity by skin application. The Commissioner may waive any of such tests if data before him otherwise establish that such test is not required to determine safety for the use proposed.

  (c) Upon written request describing the proposed use of a color additive and the proposed experiments to determine its safety, the Commissioner will advise a person who wishes to establish the safety of a color additive whether he believes the experiments planned will yield data adequate for an evaluation of the safety of the additive.

  §70.42 评价着色剂安全性的依据




 地区: 美国 
 标签: 评价 着色剂 


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