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澳新食品标准法典-3.2.1-食品安全计划(Food Safety Programs (Australia Only))

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放大字体  缩小字体 2013-07-30 10:47:19  来源:comlaw  浏览次数:3910
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 3.2.1
发布日期 2000-12-07 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该标准所依据原则为,确保食品安全的最佳方式是按照WHO/FAO联合食品法典委员会所采纳的“危害分析及关键控制点(HACCP)体系”所述规定在生产、加工操作食品过程中鉴定并控制危害而非单纯依靠末端产品标准。该标准确保州和地区要求食品业实施基于HACCP理念的食品安全计划。食品安全计划由食品业实施及检查,并定期由具备相当资质的食品安全审核员审核。
This Standard is based upon the principle that food safety is best ensured through the identification and control of hazards in the production, manufacturing and handling of food as described in the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, adopted by the joint WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission, rather than relying on end product standards alone.  This standard enables States and Territories to require food businesses to implement a food safety program based upon the HACCP concepts.  The food safety program is to be implemented and reviewed by the food business, and is subject to periodic audit by a suitably qualified food safety auditor.
Division 1 – Interpretation and application
1             Interpretation
2             Application
Division 2 – Food safety programs
3             General food safety program requirements
4             Auditing of food safety programs
Content of food safety programs
6             Fund raising events
Division 1 – Interpretation and application
1             Interpretation
In this Standard –
auditing frequency means the most recently determined frequency of auditing determined by the appropriate enforcement agency, or a food safety auditor, in accordance with the Act.
food safety program means a food safety program that satisfies the requirements of clause 5.
food safety auditor means a person approved as a food safety auditor under the Act as a person competent to audit the relevant class of food business.
monitoring includes checking, observing or supervising in order to maintain control.
2             Application of this Standard
(1)           This Standard applies to food businesses in Australia in accordance with Standard 3.1.1 and subclause (2).
(2)           Unless expressly provided elsewhere in this Code, this Standard applies to all food and primary food production businesses that are determined by the appropriate enforcement agency under the Act to be within a priority classification of food business from the commencement date for that priority classification of food business.

Division 2 – Food safety programs
3             General food safety program requirements
A food business must –
(a)          systematically examine all of its food handling operations in order to identify the potential hazards that may reasonably be expected to occur;
(b)          if one or more hazards are identified in accordance with paragraph (a), develop and implement a food safety program to control the hazard or hazards;
(c)          set out the food safety program in a written document and retain that document at the food premises;
(d)          comply with the food safety program; and
(e)          conduct a review of the food safety program at least annually to ensure its adequacy.
4             Auditing of food safety programs
A food business must –
(a)          ensure that the food safety program is audited by a food safety auditor at the auditing frequency applicable to the food business;
(b)          make the written document that sets out the food safety program, and the appropriate records referred to in paragraph 5(f), available to any food safety auditor who has been requested to conduct an audit of the food safety program; and
(c)          retain copies of all written reports of the results of all audits of the food safety program conducted by a food safety auditor within the last four years, for inspection upon request by a food safety auditor who audits the food safety program or an authorised officer.
5             Content of food safety programs
A food safety program must –
(a)          systematically identify the potential hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur in all food handling operations of the food business;
(b)          identify where, in a food handling operation, each hazard identified under paragraph (a) can be controlled and the means of control;
(c)          provide for the systematic monitoring of those controls;
(d)          provide for appropriate corrective action when that hazard, or each of those hazards, is found not to be under control;
(e)          provide for the regular review of the program by the food business to ensure its adequacy; and
(f)           provide for appropriate records to be made and kept by the food business demonstrating action taken in relation to, or in compliance with, the food safety program.
6             Fund raising events
A food business does not have to prepare a food safety program in accordance with this Standard in relation to a fund raising event conducted by the food business.


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