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§71.37 供研究使用的着色剂的赦免(Exemption of color additives for investigational use)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-25 17:30:32  来源:GPO  浏览次数:2531
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备注 供有资格的专家研究安全性用的着色剂或含有这种着色剂的食品,药品或化妆品的发运或其他方式的运送,只要该着色剂或含有这种着色剂的食品、药品和胡准高频带有一个醒目的说明:“注意:本品还有新的着色剂,仅供研究用。”则可免除本法规402(c),501(a)或601(e)的要求。参与发运这种着色剂或含有这种着色剂的食品、药品或化妆品州际贸易的人,应当将能够表明收件专家的姓名、邮寄地址等内容记录在案并保存两年。

   §71.37 Exemption of color additives for investigational use.

        (a) A shipment or other delivery of a color additive or of a food, drug, or cosmetic containing such a color additive for investigational use by experts qualified to determine safety shall be exempt from the requirements of section 402(c), 501(a), or 601(e) of the act, provided that the color additive or the food, drug, or cosmetic containing the color additive bears a label which states prominently, “Caution—Contains new color additive—For investigational use only.” No animals used in such investigations, or their products, such as milk or eggs, shall be used for food purposes, unless the sponsor or the investigator has submitted to the Commissioner data demonstrating that such use will be consistent with the public health, and the Commissioner, proceeding as he would in a matter involving section 409(i) of the act, has notified the sponsor or investigator that the proposed disposition for food is authorized. Any person who contests a refusal to grant such authorization shall have an opportunity for a regulatory hearing before the Food and Drug Administration pursuant to part 16 of this chapter.

  (b) The person who introduced such shipment or who delivers the color additive or a food, drug, or cosmetic containing such an additive into interstate commerce shall maintain adequate records showing the name and post-office address of the expert to whom the color additive is shipped, date, quantity, and batch or code mark of each shipment and delivery for a period of 2 years after such shipment and delivery. Upon the request of a properly authorized employee of the Department, at reasonable times, he shall make such records available for inspection and copying.

 地区: 美国 
 标签: 化妆品 着色剂 


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