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§104.47 “加热即食”的冷冻方便食品营养素要求(Frozen “heat and serve” dinner)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-20 19:32:24  来源:GPO  浏览次数:4239
发布文号 42 FR 14327
发布日期 1977-03-05 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 “加热即食”的冷冻方便食品至少含有三种成分:源于肉蛋奶的一种或几种蛋白质、除土豆、大米或谷物制品以外的一种或多种蔬菜,土豆、大米或谷物制品。本节(a)中所述三种或多种成分必须提供不低于本节(d)中规定的营养素最低水平。如果为了达到本节(d)中规定的营养素最低水平要求,添加营养素后,营养素总量不得超过规定最低水平的150%。

      更多关于营养素质量要求的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第104部分关于食品营养素质量准则的法规汇总

  § 104.47   Frozen “heat and serve” dinner.

  (a) A product, for which a common or usual name is established in §102.26 of this chapter, in order to be eligible to bear the guideline statement set forth at §104.5(b), shall contain at least the following three components:

  (1) One or more sources of protein derived from meat, poultry, fish, cheese, or eggs.

  (2) One or more vegetables or vegetable mixtures other than potatoes, rice, or cereal-based product.

  (3) Potatoes, rice, or cereal-based product (other than bread or rolls) or another vegetable or vegetable mixture.

  (b) The three or more components named in paragraph (a) of this section, including their sauces, gravies, breading, etc.:

  (1) Shall contribute not less than the minimum levels of nutrients prescribed in paragraph (d) of this section.

  (2) Shall be selected so that one or more of the listed protein sources of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, excluding their sauces, gravies, breading, etc., shall provide not less than 70 percent of the total protein supplied by the components named in paragraph (a) of this section.

  (c) If it is necessary to add any nutrient(s) in order to meet the minimum nutrient levels prescribed in paragraph (d) of this section, the addition of each such nutrient may not result in a total nutrient level exceeding 150 percent of the minimum level prescribed. Nutrients used for such addition shall be biologically available in the final product.

  (d) Minimum levels of nutrients for a frozen “heat and serve” dinner are as follows:

Nutrient Minimum levels for frozen “heat and serve” dinner—
For each 100 Calories (keal) of the total components specified in par. (a) For the total components specified in par. (a)
Protein, grams 4.60 16.0
Vitamin A, IU 150.00 520.0
Thiamine, mg 0.05 0.2
Riboflavin, mg 0.06 0.2
Niacin, mg 0.99 3.4
Pantothenic acid, mg 0.32 1.1
Vitamin, B6, mg 0.15 0.5
Vitamin, B1 33 1.1
Iron, mg 0.62 2.2

  (1) A frozen “heat and serve” dinner prepared from conventional food ingredients listed in paragraph (a) of this section will also contain folic acid, magnesium, iodine, calcium, and zinc. Minimum levels for these nutrients cannot be established at the present time but may be specified as additional data are obtained.

  (2) The minimum levels for pantothenic acid, vitamin B–6, and vitamin B–12 are tentative. Final levels will be established when sufficient data are available. Until final levels are established, a product containing less than the tentative levels will not be deemed to be misbranded when labeled in accordance with §104.5(b).

  (3) When technologically practicable, iodized salt shall be used or iodine shall be present at a level equivalent to that which would be present if iodized salt were used in the manufacture of the product.

  (4) When technologically practicable, product components and ingredients shall be selected to obtain the desirable calcium to phosphorous ratio of 1:1. Technological addition of phosphates shall be minimized and shall not exceed the amount necessary for the intended effect.

  (e) If the product includes servings of food which are not prescribed by paragraph (a) of this section (e.g., soup, bread or rolls, beverage, or dessert), their contribution shall not be considered in determining compliance with the nutrient levels established in paragraph (d) of this section but shall be included in any nutrition labeling.

  (f) For the purposes of labeling, an “average serving” shall be one entire frozen “heat and serve” dinner.

  [42 FR 14327, Mar. 5, 1977]



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