§1031. 国会决议声明(Congressional statement of findings)
§1032. 国会政策声明(Congressional declaration of policy)
§1033. 蛋类检查相关定义(Definitions)
§1034. 蛋类产品的检查(Inspection of egg products)
§1035. 官方企业的卫生操作规范(Sanitary operating practices in official plants)
§1036. 官方授权企业蛋产品的巴氏灭菌和标签(Pasteurization and labeling of egg products at official plants)
§1037. 禁止行为(Prohibited acts)
§1038. 农业部与合适州政府及其它政府机构的合作;雇员的使用,费用的报销(Cooperation with appropriate State and other governmental agencies; utilization of employees; reimbursement)
§1039. 非用做人类食品的蛋和蛋制品;检查;改变性质或以其它方式确定(Eggs and egg products not intended for use as human food; inspection; denaturing or otherwise identifying)
§1040. 记录要求;要求保持记录的人员;公开范围;记录的使用(Recordkeeping requirements; persons required to maintain records; scope of disclosure; access to records)
§1041. 强制性条款(Enforcement provisions)
§1042. 向美国联邦检察官报告违反行为以建立刑事诉讼;程序;观点陈诉(Reporting of violation to United States attorney for institution of criminal proceedings; procedure; presentation of views)
§1043. 规章条例;管理和实施(Rules and regulations; administration and enforcement)
§1044. 特定行为的豁免(Exemption of certain activities)
§1045. 限制蛋和蛋制品进入官方企业(Limitation on entry of eggs and egg products and other materials into official plants)
§1046. 蛋类的进口(Imports)
§1047. 检查服务的拒绝和撤销;听证会;与企业相关的责任人;农业部最终决议;司法检查;其它不受影响的拒绝服务条款
§1048. 违禁物品的行政扣留;扣留时间;解除;官方标志的去除(Administrative detention of violative articles; duration; release; removal of official marks)
§1049. 扣押和定罪程序(Seizure and condemnation proceedings)
§1050. 地区法院的司法裁决;强制和限制诉讼中美国为原告;证人传唤(Jurisdiction of district courts; United States as plaintiff in enforcement and restraining proceedings; subpenas for witnesses)
§1051. 适用于本章管理和执行的其它联邦法律;调查起诉;司法裁决的行使(Other Federal laws applicable for administration and enforcement of chapter; prosecution of inquiries; exercise of jurisdiction)
§1052. 州和地方规章(State or local regulation)
§1053. 检查和管理费用(Inspection and administration costs)
§1054. 提交国会的年度报告(Annual report to Congressional committees)
§1055. 拨款授权(Authorization of appropriations)
§1056. 条款的独立性原则(Separability)