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§ 58.134 生乳的沉淀物含量(Sediment content)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-07-09 15:48:56  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3950
核心提示:该法规规定了生乳中沉淀量的检验方法、分级标准、检验频率、牛奶被接受和拒绝的情况、No. 3和No. 4牛奶的再次检验。
发布文号 40 FR 47911
发布日期 1975-10-10 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该法规规定了生乳中沉淀量的检验方法、分级标准、检验频率、牛奶被接受和拒绝的情况、No. 3和No. 4牛奶的再次检验。

  § 58.134   Sediment content.

  (a) Method of testing. Methods for determining the sediment content of the milk of individual producers shall be those described in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. Sediment content shall be based on comparison with applicable charts of the United States Sediment Standards for Milk and Milk Products, available from USDA, AMS, Dairy Programs, Dairy Standardization Branch.

  (b) Sediment content classification. Milk shall be classified for sediment content, regardless of the results of the appearance and odor examination required in §58.133(a), as follows:

  USDA Sediment Standard

  No. 1 (acceptable)—not to exceed 0.50 mg. or equivalent.

  No. 2 (acceptable)—not to exceed 1.50 mg. or equivalent.

  No. 3 (probational, not over 10 days)—not to exceed 2.50 mg. or equivalent.

  No. 4 (reject)—over 2.50 mg. or equivalent.

  (c) Frequency of tests. At least once each month, at irregular intervals, the milk from each producer shall be tested as follows:

  (1) Milk in cans. One or more cans of milk selected at random from each producer.

  (2) Milk in farm bulk tanks. A sample shall be taken from each farm bulk tank.

  (d) Acceptance or rejection of milk. If the sediment disc is classified as No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3 the producer's milk may be accepted. If the sediment disc is classified No. 4 the milk shall be rejected: Provided that, If the shipment of milk is commingled with other milk in a transport tank the next shipment shall not be accepted until its quality has been determined before being picked up; however, if the person making the test is unable to get to the farm before the next shipment it may be accepted but no further shipments shall be accepted unless the milk meets the requirements of No. 3 or better. In the case of milk classified as No. 3 or No. 4, if in cans, all cans shall be tested. Producers of No. 3 or No. 4 milk (cans or bulk) shall be notified immediately and shall be furnished applicable sediment discs and the next shipment shall be tested.

  (e) Retests. On test of the next shipment (if in cans, all cans shall be tested) milk classified as No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3 may be accepted, but No. 4 milk shall be rejected. Retests of bulk milk classified as No. 4 shall be made before pickup. The producers of No. 3 or No. 4 milk shall be notified immediately, furnished applicable sediment discs and the next shipment tested.

  This procedure of retesting successive shipments and accepting probational (No. 3) milk and rejecting No. 4 milk may be continued for not more than 10 calendar days. If at the end of this time all of the producer's milk does not meet the acceptable sediment content classification (No. 1 or No. 2), it shall be rejected.

  [40 FR 47911, Oct. 10, 1975, Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977, and further redesignated at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981, as amended at 50 FR 34673, Aug. 27, 1985; 67 FR 48975, July 29, 2002]




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