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放大字体  缩小字体 2019-10-22 16:46:52  来源:澳大利亚农业部  浏览次数:7276
发布文号 Industry advice notices 168-2019
发布日期 2019-10-22 生效日期 2020-01-01
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
属性 法规 专业属性 标签标识
备注 澳大利亚农业部建议改变现有软体动物的标签要求:计划要求所有货物的最小包装上贴上“仅供人类食用--禁止作为水生动物的饲料或诱饵”。目前要求在纸箱或包装上作出该类声明,但是农业部确定将要求在产品的最小包装上也需要出现类似声明。声明的目的是禁止将这类产品作为水生动物的饲料或诱饵,因为可能会引发病虫害。新的要求从2020年1月1日起开始实施。

168-2019 - Clarification on the labelling requirements for molluscs (other than oysters and snails) for human consumption


22 October 2019

Who does this notice affect?

This notice is of interest to importers of mollusc products and associated industry participants and retailers.

What has changed?

This notice is to inform industry that the Department of Agriculture is proposing changes to the existing labelling requirements for the import of molluscs (other than oysters and snails).

The proposed changes will clarify that each individual package (i.e. the smallest packaged unit) of all consignments must be labelled: ‘For human consumption only - not to be used as bait or feed for aquatic animals’.

Current conditions allow for the ‘carton and/or package’ to be labelled with this statement, however the Department has determined that clarification is required and that this statement must appear on the smallest unit of packaging. The statement may still appear on the outer carton.

The intent of the statement is to deter the consumer from using the goods for as bait or feed for aquatic animals as this may be a direct pathway for the introduction of pests and diseases.

Further information

The department will be enforcing this requirement from the 1st of January 2020. All goods that arrive after this date must include this statement on the smallest unit of packaging. Failure to comply with import conditions may result in the goods being directed to be re-labelled, re-exported or destroyed.

The department intends to announce changes in the import conditions as a BICON alert. The BICON alert website provides information on changes to import requirements and is frequently updated. importers are encouraged to monitor this page to access new information on import requirements: alerts & Changes.

If you require further information please call 1800 900 090 or email imports.



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