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放大字体  缩小字体 2017-07-27 08:10:08  来源:食品标准局  浏览次数:4835
发布文号 暂无
发布日期 2017-07-24 生效日期 2017-09-18
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 2017年7月24日,英国食品标准局发布征求意见,英格兰和北爱尔兰为保护弱势消费者免受生鲜饮用奶(RDM)和奶油消费风险的影响,拟修订标签条款。目前,生鲜饮用牛奶RDM(水牛除外)需要加上警告标签:“这种牛奶没有经过热处理,因此可能含有对健康有害的生物。”建议在英国和北爱尔兰,所有物种的生鲜饮用牛奶RDM都会增加标签:“食品安全局(FSA)强烈建议不要将其消费给儿童、孕妇、老年人和身体不适或患有慢性病的人”。征求意见将于2017年9月18日结束。

Impact Assessment for New Labelling Provisions to Protect Vulnerable Consumers from Risks Associated with Consumption of Raw Drinking Milk (RDM) and Cream

About this consultation

Who will this consultation be of most interest to?
Raw Drinking Milk (RDM) and Cream producers in England and Northern Ireland, RDM consumers, enforcement authorities and those with an interest in RDM.

What is the subject of this consultation?
In July 2015, the Food Standard Agency’s (FSA) Board concluded in its recommendations review on raw drinking milk.  One for the recommendations was that risk communication, particularly to vulnerable groups, should be improved and this should include revisions to labelling requirements in England and Northern Ireland to mirror that already used in Wales.  The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 and the Food Hygiene Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended) would need to be amended to enable the new labelling provisions to protect vulnerable consumers against the risks associated with the consumption of RDM and extend labelling provisions to all species.  

Key Proposal
Currently RDM (except buffalo) would need to be labelled with the warning; “This milk has not been heat-treated and may therefore contain organisms harmful to health.” It is proposed that in England and Northern Ireland enhanced labelling is introduced to RDM from all species: ‘the FSA strongly advises that it should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, older people and those who are unwell or have chronic illness’

What is the purpose of this consultation?
To provide interested parties with the opportunity to comment and express their opinions on the proposed labelling provisions to protect vulnerable consumers and the associated Impact Assessment. 

Consultation pack:   Consultation pack for Impact Assessment for New Labelling Provisions to Protect Vulnerable Consumers from Risks Associated with Consumption of Raw Drinking Milk (RDM) and Cream.pdf



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