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澳新食品标准法典-2.9.4-运动辅助配方食品(Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods)

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Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 2.9.4
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该标准规定了用于辅助运动人群达到具体营养或绩效目标所专门配制食品的组分及标签要求。这类食品用于膳食补充而不能作为营养的唯一或主要来源。鉴于运动人群的特殊生理需求,本标准规定可向运动辅助配方食品中添加一些不允许添加到其它食品中的微量营养物质及其它配料。因此该类产品不宜儿童食用。
This Standard defines and regulates the composition and labelling of foods specially formulated to assist sports people in achieving specific nutritional or performance goals.  Such foods are intended as supplements to a diet rather than for use as the sole or principal source of nutrition.
Due to the particular physiological demands of sports people, this Standard provides for the addition to formulated supplementary sports foods of certain micronutrients and other ingredients which are not permitted to be added to other foods.  This means that such products are not suitable for consumption by children.
Table of Provisions
Division 1 – Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods Generally
1             Interpretation
2             Composition
3             Required labelling statements
4             Ingredient claims
5             Vitamin and mineral claims
6             Prohibition on representations
Division 2 – Particular Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods
7             High carbohydrate supplement
8             Protein energy supplement
9             Energy supplement
Schedule Additional permitted forms and intake amounts for vitamins and minerals in Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods and Formulated Meal Replacements
Division 1 – Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods Generally
1             Interpretation
In this Code –
formulated supplementary sports food means a food or mixture of foods specifically formulated to assist sports people in achieving specific nutritional or performance goals.
one-day quantity in relation to formulated supplementary sports food, means the amount of that food which is to be consumed in one day in accordance with directions specified in the label.
2             Composition
A formulated supplementary sports food –
(a)          may contain the vitamins and minerals specified in the Table to this paragraph provided that –
(i)            the vitamin or mineral is added in a form listed in the Schedule to Standard 1.1.1 or in column 2 of the Schedule to this Standard; and
(ii)           the amount of the vitamin or mineral in the food is no more than the amount, if any, specified in column 3 of the Table; and
Table to Paragraph 2(a)
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Maximum claimed amount per one-day quantity
Maximum amount per one-day quantity
Vitamin A
375 mg
375 mg
2.2 mg
3.4 mg
20 mg
400 mg
Vitamin B6
3.2 mg
Vitamin B12
4.0 mg
Vitamin C
80 mg
Vitamin D
2.5 mg
2.5 mg
Vitamin E
20 mg
50 mg
Pantothenic acid
3.5 mg
1600 mg
Chromium :    inorganic forms
                         organic forms
100 mg
50 mg
100 mg
50 mg
Copper:           inorganic forms
                         organic forms
1.5 mg
750 mg
1.5 mg
750 mg
75 mg
75 mg
12 mg
640 mg
Manganese:   inorganic forms
                         organic forms
2.5 mg
1.25 mg
Molybdenum:             inorganic forms
                         organic forms
125 mg
62.5 mg
1000 mg
Selenium:       inorganic forms
                         organic forms
52 mg
26 mg
52 mg
26 mg
12 mg
(b)          must not contain added amino acids as such, except for those specified in the Table to this paragraph, provided that the amount of the amino acid added to the food is no more than the amount specified in column 2 of the Table; and
Table to Paragraph 2(b)
Column 1
Column 2
Amino Acid
Maximum amount added per one-day quantity
1200 mg
1100 mg
Aspartic acid
600 mg
440 mg
1900 mg
Glutamic acid
1600 mg
1500 mg
420 mg
350 mg
490 mg
420 mg
180 mg
360 mg
490 mg
1100 mg
1400 mg

Table to Paragraph 2(b) (continued)
Column 1
Column 2
Amino Acid
Maximum amount added per one-day quantity
60 mg
245 mg
400 mg
100 mg
350 mg
(c)          may contain the ingredients listed in the Table to this paragraph added as such, provided that the amount of each ingredient added is no more than the amount specified in relation to that ingredient in column 2 of the Table;  and
Table to Paragraph 2(c)
Column 1
Column 2
Maximum amount added per one-day quantity
100 mg
10 mg
10 mg
15 mg
3 g
25 mg
(d)          must not contain, in a one-day quantity, more than –
(i)            70 mmol sodium; or
(ii)           95 mmol potassium.
3             Required labelling statements
(1)           The label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food must include statements to the effect that –
(a)          the food is not a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a nutritious diet; and
(b)          the food should be used in conjunction with an appropriate physical training or exercise program.
(2)           The label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food must include –
(a)          directions stating the recommended quantity and frequency of intake of the food; and
(b)          a statement of the recommended consumption in one day; and
(c)          a nutrition information panel in accordance with Standard 1.2.8.
(3)           The label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food must include, the statement –
‘Not suitable for children under 15 years of age or pregnant women:  Should only be used under medical or dietetic supervision’.
(4)           If a formulated supplementary sports food contains added phenylalanine then the label must include, the statement –
‘Phenylketonurics: Contains phenylalanine’.
(5)           Formulated supplementary sports food is a prescribed name.
4             Ingredient claims
(1)           If the label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food refers to the presence of a particular ingredient, other than –
(a)          vitamins or minerals; or
(b)          in a statement required elsewhere in this Code;
the label must also include a statement of the amount by weight (expressed per 100g food or as a percentage) of the ingredient in that food either –
(c)          immediately after the statement referring to the presence of the ingredient; or
(d)          immediately following the name of that ingredient in the statement of ingredients.
(2)           Subclause (1) does not apply if the nutrition information panel lists the particular ingredient and the average quantity by weight of the ingredient in –
(a)          a serving of the food; and
(b)          per 100g or 100mL of the food.
5             Vitamin and mineral claims
(1)           The label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food must not claim the presence of a vitamin or mineral unless –
(a)          the reference is required elsewhere in this Code; or
(b)          the reference is specifically permitted by this clause.
(2)           The label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food may only claim the presence of a vitamin or mineral in the food if –
(a)          the food contains –
(i)            at least 10% of the recommended dietary intake for that vitamin or mineral in a serving of that food or, in relation to a food which requires dilution or preparation according to directions, the quantity of the food which when diluted or prepared produces a normal serving; or
(ii)           at least 10% of the amount specified in column 3 of the Schedule to this Standard for that vitamin or mineral in a normal serving of that food, or in relation to a food which requires dilution or preparation according to directions, the quantity of the food which when diluted or prepared produces a normal serving; and
(b)          the amount claimed does not exceed the amount specified in column 2 of the Table to paragraph 2(a).
6             Prohibition on representations
Unless specific permission is given in this Part, the label on a package of formulated supplementary sports food must not include an express or implied representation that relates to any property or proposed use of the food to enhanced athletic performance or beneficial physiological effects. 
Division 2 – Particular Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods
7             High carbohydrate supplement
(1)           A high carbohydrate supplement is a formulated supplementary sports food for which –

(a)          not less than 90% of the energy yield of the product is derived from carbohydrate; and
(b)          more than 15% of the product by weight is carbohydrate when prepared as directed.
(2)           The label on a package of high carbohydrate supplement must include statements to the effect that –
(a)          if used during exercise, the food should be consumed in accordance with directions, to avoid the possibility of gastro-intestinal upset; and
(b)          the food must be consumed with an appropriate fluid intake.
(3)           The label on a package of a high carbohydrate supplement may include statements to the effect that –
(a)          the product is useful  before, during, or after sustained strenuous exercise; and
 (b)         appropriate usage may assist in the provision of energy in the form of carbohydrates.
8             Protein energy supplement
(1)           A protein energy supplement is a formulated supplementary sports food for which –
(a)          not more than 30 % and not less than 15% of the energy yield of the product is derived from protein; and
(b)          not more than 25 % of the energy yield of the product is derived from fat; and
(c)          not more than 70 % of the energy yield of the product is derived from carbohydrate.
(2)           The label on a package of protein energy supplement must include a statement to the effect that the food must be consumed with an appropriate fluid intake.
(3)           The label on a package of protein energy supplement may include statements to the effect that –
(a)          the product may assist in providing a low-bulk diet as may be required during training; and
(b)          the product may assist in supplementing the diet with a high energy source as may be required during training; and
(c)          usage as directed may assist in the development of muscle bulk; and
(d)          the product is useful before, during, or after sustained strenuous exercise.
9             Energy supplement
(1)           An energy supplement is a formulated supplementary sports food for which not more than 20 % of the energy yield of the product is derived from protein.
(2)           The label on a package of energy supplement must include statements to the effect that –
(a)          if used during exercise, the food should be consumed in accordance with directions, to avoid the possibility of gastro-intestinal upset; and
(b)          the food must be consumed with an appropriate fluid intake.
(3)           If more than 30% of the energy yield of the energy supplement is derived from fat, the label on the energy supplement must include a statement to the effect that the product is a high fat food and should be used for special fat loading strategies rather than everyday use.
(4)           The label on a package of energy supplement may include statements to the effect that –

(a)          the product may assist in supplementing the diet with an energy source as may be required during training; and
(b)          the product is useful before, during or after sustained strenuous exercise.

Additional permitted forms and intake amounts for vitamins and minerals in Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods and in Formulated Meal Replacements
Column 1
Vitamin or Mineral
Column 2
Permitted forms
Column 3
100 mg
Pantothenic acid
d-calcium pantothenate
d-sodium pantothenate
7 mg
Calcium hydroxide
Calcium oxide
Calcium sulphate
800 mg
Inorganic forms:
Chromic chloride
Organic forms:
High chromium yeast
Chromium picolinate
Chromium nicotinate
Chromium aspartate
200 mg
Inorganic forms:
Cupric carbonate
Cupric sulphate
Organic forms:
Copper gluconate
Copper-lysine complex
Cupric citrate
3.0 mg
Magnesium citrate
Magnesium hydroxide
320 mg
Inorganic forms:
Manganese carbonate
Manganese chloride
Manganese sulphate
Organic forms:
Manganese citrate
5.0 mg
Inorganic forms:
Sodium molybdate
Organic forms:
High molybdenum yeast
250 mg
Magnesium phosphate, monobasic
Phosphoric acid
Potassium phosphate, dibasic
Potassium phosphate, tribasic
Sodium phosphate, dibasic
Sodium phosphate, monobasic
Sodium phosphate, tribasic
1000 mg
Inorganic forms:
Sodium selenate
Sodium selenite
Organic forms:
70 mg
1 The amount represents the recommended dietary intake for the permitted forms of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium and the estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake for the remaining minerals listed in column 1 of the Schedule.



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