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澳新食品标准法典-1.3.1-食品添加剂(Food Additives)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2013-07-24 14:48:55  来源:Comlaw  浏览次数:5439
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 1.3.1
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 规定了食品添加剂在食品生产加工过程的使用。本标准所述食品添加剂不包括加工助剂(见1.3.3)及为营养目的所添加的维生素和矿物质(见1.3.2)。1.3.4规定了食品添加剂的质量规格标准。
最新文本请详见   Standard1.3.1.zip,已更新至2014.10.30
A food additive is any substance not normally consumed as a food in itself and not normally used as an ingredient of food, but which is intentionally added to a food to achieve one or more of the technological functions specified in Schedule 5.  It or its by-products may remain in the food.  Food additives are distinguishable from processing aids (see Standard 1.3.3) and vitamins and minerals added to food for nutritional purposes (see Standard 1.3.2).
This Standard regulates the use of food additives in the production and processing of food.  A food additive may only be added to food where expressly permitted in this standard.  Additives can only be added to food in order to achieve an identified technological function according to Good Manufacturing Practice.
Standard 1.3.4 prescribes standards for the identity and purity of food additives.
Table of Provisions
1             Definitions
2             General prohibition on the use of additives
3             Permitted use of additives
4             Requirements for use of intense sweeteners
5             Maximum permitted levels of additives
6             Additives performing the same function
7             Carry-over of additives
8             Food for use in preparation of another food
9             The addition of a garnish to food
10           Colours and their aluminium and calcium lakes
11           Permitted flavouring substances
Schedule 1            Permitted uses of food additives by food type
Schedule 2            Miscellaneous additives permitted to GMP in processed foods specified in Schedule 1
Schedule 3            Colours permitted to GMP in processed foods specified in Schedule 1
Schedule 4            Colours permitted to specified levels in processed foods specified in Schedule 1
Schedule 5            Technological functions which may be performed by food additives



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