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§178.3860 脱模剂(Release agents)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-12-22 18:58:56  来源:GPO  浏览次数:2651
核心提示:在符合本节规定的条件下,本节(b)中所列物质可安全地用作石油蜡(该石油蜡符合§ 178.3710的规定)和食品接触级高分子树脂的脱模剂。其用量应不超过达到所需工艺效果的适宜需用量及(b)中所列的限制要求。
发布文号 21 CFR PART 178
发布日期 1996-08-15 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 在符合本节规定的条件下,本节(b)中所列物质可安全地用作石油蜡(该石油蜡符合§ 178.3710的规定)和食品接触级高分子树脂的脱模剂。其用量应不超过达到所需工艺效果的适宜需用量及(b)中所列的限制要求。

    §178.3860 Release agents

      Substances listed in paragraph (b) of this section may be safely used as release agents in petroleum wax complying with § 178.3710 and in polymeric resins that contact food, subject to the provisions of this section.

  (a) The quantity used shall not exceed the amount reasonably required to accomplish the intended technical effect or any limitations prescribed in this section.

  (b) Release agents:

List of substances Limitations
Erucamide (erucylamide)  
Formaldehyde, polymer with 1-naphthalenol (CAS Reg. No. 25359-91-5) For use only as an antiscaling or release agent, applied on the internal parts of reactors employed in the production of polyvinyl chloride and acrylic copolymers, provided that the residual levels of the additive in the ploymer do not exceed 4 parts per million.
N,N′-Dioleoylethylenediamine  For use only in polyvinyl chloride films in amounts such that the concentration of the substance in these films in the form in which the films contact food shall not exceed 0.055 milligram of the substance per square inch of film.
 Oleyl palmitamide  
 Polybutene, hydrogenated; complying with the identity prescribed under § 178.3740(b)  For use only subject to the limitations prescribed for hydrogenated polybutene under § 178.3740(b) .
 Poly(vinyl acetate/vinyl N-octadecylcarbamate) (CAS Reg. No. 70892-21-6) produced by the reaction between stoichiometrically equivalent amounts of octadecyl isocyanate and vinyl alcohol/vinyl acetate copolymer; minimum average molecular weight is 500,000  For use only in application to the backing of pressuresensitive adhesive tapes at levels not to exceed 0.2 milligram per square centimeter (1.29 milligrams per square inch) of backing.
Code of Federal Regulations 444
 Rice bran wax  For use only in plastics intended for contact with dry foods identified as Type VIII in table 1 of § 176.170(c) of this chapter, at levels not in excess of 1.0 percent by weight of the polymer.
 Saturated fatty acid amides manufactured from fatty acids derived from animal, marine, or vegetable fats and oils  
 Stearyl erucamide  

  [42 FR 14609, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 44 FR 69649, Dec. 4, 1979; 46 FR 51902, Oct. 23, 1981; 61 FR 25396, May 21, 1996; 61 FR 42381, Aug. 15, 1996]


 地区: 美国 


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