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§146.152 防腐剂保鲜橙汁(Orange juice with preservative)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-09 09:09:12  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3407
发布文号 58 FR 2881
发布日期 1993-01-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 防腐剂保鲜橙汁是用做进一步生产用的产品,与146.151中关于生产用橙汁的成分要求相同。不同的是添加了防腐剂以防败坏,可经过加热处理以降低酶活力或活菌数量,本食品名称为“防腐剂保鲜橙汁”。食品中所用配料必须按本章101和130部分中有关章节的要求在标签上加以说明。此外,各种防腐剂名称必须与其质量分数一起加以说明。如果将食品装入容量小于19L的容器中,标签上必须说明此食品只供进一步生产用,标签上产品名称必须清晰可见。

      更多关于罐装果汁的法规,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第146部分关于罐装果汁的法规汇总

  § 146.152   Orange juice with preservative.

  (a) Orange juice with preservative is the food prepared for further manufacturing use. It complies with the requirements for composition of orange juice for manufacturing as provided for in §146.151, except that a preservative is added to inhibit spoilage. It may be heat-treated to reduce substantially the enzymatic activity and the number of viable microorganisms.

  (b) The preservatives referred to in paragraph (a) of this section are any safe and suitable preservatives or combinations thereof.

  (c) The name of the food is “Orange juice with preservative”。

  (d) Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter. In addition, the name of each preservative shall be proceeded by a statement of the percent by weight of the preservative used. If the food is packed in container sizes that are less than 19 liters (5 gallons), the label shall bear a statement indicating that the food is for further manufacturing use only.

  (e) Wherever the name of the food appears on the label so conspicuously as to be easily seen under customary conditions of purchase, the statement specified in paragraph (d) of this section for naming the preservative ingredient used shall immediately and conspicuously precede or follow the name of the food, without intervening written, printed, or graphic matter.

  [42 FR 14414, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 44 FR 36378, June 22, 1979; 58 FR 2881, Jan. 6, 1993]



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