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Sec. 457. 标签和容器标准(Labeling and container standards)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-04 08:19:05  来源:USDA  浏览次数:3250
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备注 该规定内容包括:集装箱、直接接触禽肉的包装容器和非消费包装禽肉的要求;标签要求;有关本章物质组成或性质的定义和标准,填充容器的标准;与联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案相一致的标准;联邦和州标准的连贯性;商标的使用;虚假或误导性的标志和标签;具误导性的容器的形式和大小;虚假和误导性的标志、标签、形式大小的容器的禁止使用,若继续使用,将举行听证会,收到最终裁决通知后三十天内不上诉,农业部将作出结论性决议。

  Sec. 457. Labeling and container standards

  (a) Requirements for shipping containers and immediate containers; nonconsumer packaged carcasses

  All poultry products inspected at any official establishment under the authority of this chapter and found to be not adulterated, shall at the time they leave the establishment bear, in distinctly legible form, on their shipping containers and immediate containers as the Secretary may require, the information required under paragraph (h) of section 453 of this title. In addition, the Secretary whenever he determines such action is practicable and necessary for the protection of the public, may require nonconsumer packaged carcasses at the time they leave the establishment to bear directly thereon in distinctly legible form any information required under such paragraph (h).

  (b) Labeling requirements; definitions and standards of identity or composition or articles and standards of fill of container; standards consistent with Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; consistency between Federal and State standards

  The Secretary, whenever he determines such action is necessary for the protection of the public, may prescribe:

  (1) the styles and sizes of type to be used with respect to material required to be incorporated in labeling to avoid false or misleading labeling in marketing and labeling any articles or poultry subject to this chapter;

  (2) definitions and standards of identity or composition or articles subject to this chapter and standards of fill of container for such articles not inconsistent with any such standards established under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), and there shall be consultation between the Secretary and the Secretary of Health and Human Services prior to the issuance of such standards under either Act relating to articles subject to this chapter to avoid inconsistency in such standards and possible impairment of the coordinated effective administration of this chapter and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. There shall also be consultation between the Secretary and an appropriate advisory committee provided for in section 454 of this title, prior to the issuance of such standards under this chapter, to avoid, insofar as feasible, inconsistency between Federal and State standards.

  (c) Use of trade names; false or misleading marking or labeling; misleading form or size of container

  No article subject to this chapter shall be sold or offered for sale by any person in commerce, under any name or other marking or labeling which is false or misleading, or in any container of a misleading form or size, but established trade names and other marking and labeling and containers which are not false or misleading and which are approved by the Secretary are permitted.

  (d) Withholding use of false or misleading mark, label, or container size or form; modification; hearing; conclusiveness of determination; appeal

  If the Secretary has reason to believe that any marking or labeling or the size or form of any container in use or proposed for use with respect to any article subject to this chapter is false or misleading in any particular, he may direct that such use be withheld unless the marking, labeling, or container is modified in such manner as he may prescribe so that it will not be false or misleading. If the person using or proposing to use the marketing, labeling, or container does not accept the determination of the Secretary, such person may request a hearing, but the use of the marking, labeling, or container shall, if the Secretary so directs, be withheld pending hearing and final determination by the Secretary. Any such determination by the Secretary shall be conclusive unless, within thirty days after receipt of notice of such final determination, the person adversely affected thereby appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the circuit in which such person has its principal place of business or to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The provisions of section 194 of title 7 shall be applicable to appeals taken under this section.



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