当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 国外法规 »§113.89 在杀菌、排气或关键因素控制中的偏差(Deviations in processing, venting, or control of critical factors)

§113.89 在杀菌、排气或关键因素控制中的偏差(Deviations in processing, venting, or control of critical factors)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-04-18 14:16:03  来源:GPO  浏览次数:4196
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备注 当杀菌检查人员从记录上或在其他方面发现低酸性食品容器的杀菌操作低于工艺规程要求,或者关键因素失控时,他们必须将这部分产品全部重新杀菌,保存重新杀菌条件的记录,或者把这部分产品放在一边以备就该产品对于公共卫生的影响问题作进一步评估,除了经评估确认经过热杀菌后产品不含有有害公共卫生的微生物,否则要么全部重新杀菌,使其达到商业无菌,要么销毁。杀菌过程中的所有偏差,包括没有达到工艺规程中的最低要求,连续搅动或杀菌锅因扎罐或损坏需要冷却后进行修理等紧急情况的出现,都要记录下来,并单独归档,并详细说明这些偏差和采取的措施。

  § 113.89   Deviations in processing, venting, or control of critical factors.

  Whenever any process is less than the scheduled process or when critical factors are out of control for any low-acid food or container system as disclosed from records by processor check or otherwise, the commerical processor of that low-acid food shall either fully reprocess that portion of the production involved, keeping full records of the reprocessing conditions or, alternatively, must set aside that portion of the product involved for further evaluation as to any potential public health significance. Such evaluation shall be made by a competent processing authority and shall be in accordance with procedures recognized by competent processing authorities as being adequate to detect any potential hazard to public health. Unless this evaluation demonstrates that the product had been given a thermal process that rendered it free of microorganisms of potential public health significance, the product set aside shall be either fully reprocessed to render it commercially sterile or destroyed. A record shall be made of the evaluation procedures used and the results. Either upon completion of full reprocessing and the attainment of commerical sterility or after the determination that no significant potential for public health hazard exists, that portion of the product involved may be shipped in normal distribution. Otherwise, the portion of the product involved shall be destroyed. All process deviations involving a failure to satisfy the minimum requirements of the scheduled process, including emergencies arising from a jam or breakdown of a continuous agitating retort necessitating cooling the retort for repairs, shall be recorded and made the subject of a separate file (or a log identifying the appropriate data) detailing those deviations and the actions taken.




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