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§113.87 加热杀菌车间内的操作(Operations in the thermal processing room)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-04-18 13:23:50  来源:GPO  浏览次数:3509
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备注 包括七部分内容:用于多种产品和各种大小包装容器的杀菌操作程序及杀菌排气程序必须张贴在杀菌设备附近的醒目处,或者准备好供杀菌锅或杀菌系统操作人员和FDA委派人员随时取用;在杀菌车间的产品运送过程中要有控制措施,防止未经杀菌产品从旁路通过;进入杀菌阶段的容器内容物的初始温度,必须经常每隔一段时间测定一次,以确保产品温度不低于杀菌规程的最小初始温度;用于记录杀菌过程时间资料的计时装置必须精确到足以使杀菌过程达到规程要求的杀菌时间和排气时间;温度记录图标上的计时标注应与书面杀菌记录上当天的时间相一致,以便看出它们之间的相互关系;供给加热杀菌系统的蒸汽要充足;如果在泄气或排气装置上使用消音器,而泄气和排气都没有明显受阻,这一事实必须存档。

  § 113.87   Operations in the thermal processing room.

  Link to an amendment published at 76 FR 11923, Mar. 3, 2011.修订加热杀菌车间内的操作(Operations in the thermal processing room)

  (a) Operating processes and retort venting procedures to be used for each product and container size being packed shall either be posted in a conspicuous place near the processing equipment or be made readily available to the retort or processing system operator and any duly authorized employee of the Food and Drug Administration. Scheduled processes must be made readily available to the supervisor and any duly authorized employee of the Food and Drug Administration.

  (b) A system for product traffic control in the retort room shall be established to prevent unretorted product from bypassing the retort process. Each retort basket, truck, car, or crate used to hold containers in a retort, or one or more containers therein, shall, if it contains any retorted food product, be plainly and conspicuously marked with a heat-sensitive indicator, or by other effective means that will indicate visually, to thermal processing personnel, those units that have been retorted. A visual check shall be performed to determine whether or not the appropriate change has occurred in the heat-sensitive indicator as a result of retorting for all retort baskets, trucks, cars, or crates, to ensure that each unit of product has been retorted. A written record of these checks should be made.

  (c) The initial temperature of the contents of the containers to be processed shall be determined and recorded with sufficient frequency to ensure that the temperature of the product is no lower than the minimum initial temperature specified in the scheduled process. For those operations that use water during the filling of the retort or during processing, provision shall be made to ensure that the water will not, before the start of each thermal process, lower the initial temperature of the product below that specified in the scheduled process.

  (d) Timing devices used in recording thermal process time information shall be accurate to the extent needed to ensure that the processing time and venting time specified in the scheduled process are achieved. Pocket or wrist watches are not considered satisfactory for timing purposes. Digital clocks may be used if the operating process and the venting schedule have a 1-minute or greater safety factor over the scheduled process.

  (e) Clock times on recording-temperature charts should reasonably correspond to the time of day on the written processing records to provide correlation of these records.

  (f) The steam supply to the thermal processing system shall be adequate to the extent needed to ensure that sufficient steam pressure is maintained during thermal processing, regardless of other demands of steam by the plant.

  (g) If mufflers are used on bleeders or vent systems, evidence that the bleeders or vents are operated in a manner that does not significantly impede the removal of air shall be kept on file. This evidence may be in the form of heat distribution data or other satisfactory evidence such as a letter from the manufacturer, the designer, or a competent processing authority.




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