§175.260 部分磷酸酯化的聚酯树脂(Partial phosphoric acid esters of polyester resins)
2011-10-02 10:12  点击:3528
备注:当符合下列条件下,本节所指的并被应用于铝材上的聚酯树脂中的一部分磷酸酯,可安全用做与食品接触的涂料:适用于本节的聚酯树脂中的部分磷酸酯,由本节(a)中对之的有机物反应后所得,再与磷酸酐反应而成的,涂料与金属间是化学性结合,固化温度在232℃以上。接触食品的成品涂料,当用反映食品类型特征的溶剂在反映其拟使用特征的时间和温度条件下浸提时,用 § 175.300(d)中表1和表2的方法测定,每一种浸提溶剂中的浸提物总量,不超过0.3mg每平方英寸接触食品的表面。

  §175.260 Partial phosphoric acid esters of polyester resins.
      Partial phosphoric acid esters of polyester resins identified in this section and applied on aluminum may be safely used as food-contact coatings, in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:

  (a) For the purpose of this section, partial phosphoric acid esters of polyester resins are prepared by the reaction of trimellitic anhydride with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol followed by reaction of the resin thus produced with phosphoric acid anhydride to produce a resin having an acid number of 81 to 98 and a phosphorus content of 4.05 to 4.65 percent by weight.

  (b) The coating is chemically bonded to the metal and cured at temperatures exceeding 450 °F.

  (c) The finished food-contact coating, when extracted with the solvent or solvents characterizing the type of food and under the conditions of time and temperature characterizing the conditions of its intended use, as determined from tables 1 and 2 of § 175.300(d), yields total extractives in each extracting solvent not to exceed 0.3 milligrams per square inch of food-contact surface, as determined by the methods described in § 175.300(e), and the coating yields 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol in each extracting solvent not to exceed 0.3 micrograms per square inch of food-contact surface. In testing the finished food-contact articles, a separate test sample is to be used for each required extracting solvent.

下一篇:§175.270 聚氟乙烯树脂(Poly(vinyl fluoride) resins)
上一篇:R.S.C., 1985, c. G-10 加拿大谷物类法令(Canada Grain Act )