§130.5 建立食品标准的程序(Procedure for establishing a food standard)
2011-08-24 09:47  点击:2320
发布文号:42 FR 14357

  § 130.5   Procedure for establishing a food standard.

  (a) The procedure for establishing a food standard under section 401 of the act shall be governed by part 10 of this chapter.

  (b) Any petition for a food standard shall show that the proposal, if adopted, would promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers.

  (c) Any petition for a food standard shall assert that the petitioner commits himself to substantiate the information in the petition by evidence in a public hearing, if such a hearing becomes necessary.

  (d) If a petitioner fails to appear, or to substantiate the information in his petition, at a public hearing on the matter, the Commissioner may either (1) withdraw the regulation and terminate the proceeding or (2) if he concludes that it is in accordance with the requirements of section 401 of the act, continue the proceeding and introduce evidence to substantiate such information.

  [42 FR 14357, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 42 FR 15673, Mar. 22, 1977]

下一篇:(EU) No 365/2010 就巴氏杀菌奶、其他巴氏杀菌的液态乳制品中的大肠杆菌和食品级食盐中的增生性李斯特菌,修订条例(EC) No 2073/2005 关于食品的微生物标准
上一篇:§130.3 食品标准:总则-相关定义与释义(Definitions and interpretations)