(EU) No 37/2010 关于动物源食品中药理学活性物质的最大残留限量及其分类(On pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits in foodstuffs of animal origin)
2011-04-22 10:59  点击:5643
发布文号:(EU) No 37/2010


  Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

  Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 470/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 laying down Community procedures for the establishment of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin, repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 and amending Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council [1], and in particular Article 27(1) thereof,


  (1) In order to protect public health, pharmacologically active substances, on the basis of the scientific assessment of the safety of those substances, were classified in four Annexes to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin [2]. Annex I contained substances for which a maximum residue limit was established, Annex II contained substances for which it was not necessary to establish a maximum residue limit, Annex III contained substances for which a provisional maximum residue limit was established and Annex IV contained substances for which a maximum residue limit could not be established because residues of those substances, at whatever limit, constitute a hazard to human health.

  (2) For reasons of simplification, it is necessary to incorporate those pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits in a Commission Regulation. As this classification follows the classification system foreseen in Regulation (EC) No 470/2009, the classification should also be taken account of with regard to the possibility to administer those pharmacologically active substances to food-producing animals.

  (3) Existing information on the therapeutical classification of pharmacologically active substances contained in the Annexes to Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 should be incorporated into a column on the therapeutical classification of substances.

  (4) For reasons of ease of use, all pharmacologically active substances should be listed in one Annex in alphabetical order. For reasons of clarity, two separate tables should be established: one for allowed substances, listed in Annexes I, II and III of Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90, and one for prohibited substances, listed on Annex IV to that Regulation.

  (5) Provisional maximum residue limits for pharmacologically active substances, laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 for which the period of application has ended, should not be incorporated into this Regulation.

  (6) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products,


  Article 1

  Pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits are set out in the Annex.

  Article 2

  This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

  Done at Brussels, 22 December 2009.

  For the Commission

  José Manuel Barroso

  The President

  [1] OJ L 152, 16.6.2009, p. 11.

  [2] OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 1.



  Pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits (MRL)

  Table 1

  Allowed substances

  Pharmacologically active Substance | Marker residue | Animal Species | MRL | Target Tissues | Other Provisions (according to Article 14(7) of Regulation (EC) No 470/2009) | Therapeutic Classification |

  Abamectin | Avermectin B1a | Bovine | 10 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Fat Liver | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endo- and ectoparasites |

  Ovine | 20 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. |

  Absinthium extract | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Acetyl cysteine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Acetylmethionine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Acetylsalicylic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Acetylsalicylic acid DL-lysine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Adenosine and its 5’-mono-, 5’-di-and 5’ triphosphates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Adonis vernalis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. | NO ENTRY |

  Aesculus hippocastanum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per ten only. | NO ENTRY |

  Agnus castus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Ailanthus altissima | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Alanine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Albendazole | Sum of albendazole sulphoxide, albendazole sulphone, and albendazole 2-amino sulphone, expressed as albendazole | All ruminants | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Albendazole oxide | Sum of albendazole oxide, albendazole sulphone, and albendazole 2-amino sulphone, expressed as albendazole | Bovine, ovine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Alfacalcidol | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For parturient cows only. | NO ENTRY |

  Alfaprostol | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine, rabbit, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Allantoin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Allium cepa | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Aloe vera gel and whole leaf extract of Aloe vera | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Aloes, Barbados and Capae, their standardised dry extract and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Alphacypermethrin | Cypermethrin (sum of isomers) | Bovine, ovine | 20 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For milk MRL further provisions in Commission Directive 98/82/EC are to be observed. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Altrenogest | Altrenogest | Porcine | 1 μg/kg 0,4 μg/kg | Skin and fat Liver | Only for zootechnical use and in accordance with the provisions of Directive 96/22/EC. | Agents acting on the reproductive system |

  Equidae | 1 μg/kg 0,9 μg/kg | Fat Liver |

  Aluminium distearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Aluminium hydroxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Aluminium hydroxide acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Aluminium monostearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Aluminium phosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Aluminium salicylate, basic | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. |

  Aluminium tristearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  2-Aminoethanol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  2-Aminoethanol glucuronate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  2-Aminoethyl dihydrogenphosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Amitraz | Sum of amitraz and all metabolites containing the 2,4-DMA moiety, expressed as amitraz | Bovine | 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Ovine | 400 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney Milk |

  Caprine | 200 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney Milk |

  Porcine | 400 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Bees | 200 μg/kg | Honey |

  Ammonium chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ammonium lauryl sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ammonium sulfate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Amoxicillin | Amoxicillin | All food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 4 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Ampicillin | Ampicillin | All food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 4 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Amprolium | NOT APPLICABLE | Poultry | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Angelicae radix aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Anisi aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Anisi stellati fructus, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Apocynum cannabinum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Apramycin | Apramycin | Bovine | 1000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 10000 μg/kg 20000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Ovine, porcine, chicken, rabbit | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. |

  Aqua levici | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias only. | NO ENTRY |

  Arginine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Arnica montana (arnicae flos and arnicae planta tota) | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Arnicae radix | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding in the products not exceeding one part per ten only. | NO ENTRY |

  Artemisia abrotanum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Asparagine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Aspartic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Atropa belladonna | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. | NO ENTRY |

  Atropine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Avilamycin | Dichloroisoeverninic acid | Porcine, poultry, rabbit | 50 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine and poultry species this MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Azagly-nafarelin | NOT APPLICABLE | Salmonidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in fish from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Azamethiphos | NOT APPLICABLE | Salmonidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Azaperone | Sum of azaperone and azaperol | Porcine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Agents acting on the nervous system/Agents acting on the central nervous system |

  Bacitracin | Sum of bacitracin A, bacitracin B, and bacitracin C | Bovine | 100 μg/kg | Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Rabbit | 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk. | NOT APPLICABLE | For intramammary use in lactating cows only. |

  Balsamum peruvianum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Baquiloprim | Baquiloprim | Bovine | 10 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Chemotheurapeutics |

  Porcine | 40 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Barium selenate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Beclomethasone dipropionate | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For inhalation use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bellis perennis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Benzalkonium chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as an excipient at concentrations up to 0,05 % only. | NO ENTRY |

  Benzocaine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as local anaesthetic only. | NO ENTRY |

  Salmonidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY |

  Benzyl alcohol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Benzyl benzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Benzyl p-hydroxybenzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Benzylpenicillin | Benzylpenicillin | All food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 4 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Betaine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Betaine glucuronate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Betamethasone | Betamethasone | Bovine, porcine | 0,75 μg/kg 2,0 μg/kg 0,75 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Corticoides/Glucocorticoides |

  Bovine | 0,3 μg/kg | Milk |

  Biotin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Bismuth subcarbonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bismuth subgallate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bismuth subnitrate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intramammary use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bismuth subsalicylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bituminosulfonates, ammonium and sodium salts | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Boldo folium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Boric acid and borates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Bromhexine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine, poultry | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Bromide, potassium salt | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Bromide, sodium salt | NOT APPLICABLE | All-mammalian food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Bronopol | NOT APPLICABLE | Fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Brotizolam | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For therapeutic uses only. | NO ENTRY |

  Buserelin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Butafosfan | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous use only. | NO ENTRY |

  n-Butane | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  n-Butanol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Butorphanole tartrate | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous administration only. | NO ENTRY |

  Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Butylscopolaminium bromide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Caffeine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium aspartate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium benzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium borogluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium carbonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium citrate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium glucoheptonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium glucono glucoheptonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium gluconolactate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium glutamate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium glycerophosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium hydroxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium hypophosphite | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium malate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium pantothenate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium phosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium polyphosphates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium propionate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium silicate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium stearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calcium sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Calendula officinalis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding in the products not exceeding one part per ten only. | NO ENTRY |

  Calendulae flos | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Camphor | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | External use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Camphora | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. | NO ENTRY |

  Capsici fructus acer | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Carazolol | Carazolol | Bovine | 5 μg/kg 5 μg/kg 15 μg/kg 15 μg/kg 1 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Agents acting on the nervous system/Agents acting on the autonomic nervous system |

  Porcine | 5 μg/kg 5 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Carbasalate calcium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Carbetocin | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cardamon extract | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cardiospermum halicacabum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Carlinae radix | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Carnitine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Carprofen | Sum of carprofen and carprofen glucuronide conjugate | Bovine, Equidae | 500 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for milk | NOT APPLICABLE |

  Carvi aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Caryophylli aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cefacetrile | Cefacetrile | Bovine | 125 μg/kg | Milk | For intramammary use only. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk. | NOT APPLICABLE |

  Cefalexin | Cefalexin | Bovine | 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Cefalonium | Cefalonium | Bovine | 20 μg/kg | Milk | For intramammary use and eye treatment only. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk. | NOT APPLICABLE |

  Cefapirin | Sum of cephapirin and desacetylcephapirin | Bovine | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 60 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Cefazolin | Cefazolin | Bovine, ovine, caprine | 50 μg/kg | Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk. | NOT APPLICABLE | For intramammary use, except if the udder may be used as food for human consumption. |

  Cefoperazone | Cefoperazone | Bovine | 50 μg/kg | Milk | For intramammary use in lactating cows only. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk. | NOT APPLICABLE |

  Cefquinome | Cefquinome | Bovine, porcine, Equidae | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Bovine | 20 μg/kg | Milk |

  Ceftiofur | Sum of all residues retaining the betalactam structure expressed as desfuroylceftiofur | All mammalian food producing species | 1000 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 6000 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Centellae asiaticae extractum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Cetostearyl alcohol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cetrimide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Chlorhexidine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Chlormadinone | Chlormadinone | Bovine | 4 μg/kg 2 μg/kg 2,5 μg/kg | Fat Liver Milk | For zootechnical use only. | Agents acting on the reproductive system |

  Chlorocresol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Chlorphenamine | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Chlortetracycline | Sum of parent drug and its 4- epimer | All food-producing species | 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 600 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Choline | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Chrysanthemi cinerariifolii flos | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Chymotrypsin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cimicifugae racemosae rhizoma | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Cinchonae cortex, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cinnamomi cassiae aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cinnamomi cassiae cortex, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cinnamomi ceylanici aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cinnamomi ceylanici cortex, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Citri aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Citronellae aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Citrulline | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Clavulanic acid | Clavulanic acid | Bovine, porcine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 400 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Bovine | 200 μg/kg | Milk |

  Clazuril | NOT APPLICABLE | Pigeon | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Clenbuterol hydrochloride | Clenbuterol | Bovine, Equidae | 0,1 μg/kg 0,5 μg/kg 0,5 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Agents acting on the nervous system/Agents acting on the autonomic nervous system |

  Bovine | 0,05 μg/kg | Milk |

  Cloprostenol | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine, caprine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  R-Cloprostenol | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine, caprine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Clorsulon | Clorsulon | Bovine | 35 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Closantel | Closantel | Bovine | 1000 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Ovine | 1500 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg 5000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Cloxacillin | Cloxacillin | All food producing species | 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Cobalt carbonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cobalt dichloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cobalt gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cobalt oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cobalt sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cobalt trioxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Coco alkyl dimethyl betaines | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Colistin | Colistin | All food producing species | 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Condurango cortex, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Convallaria majalis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. | NO ENTRY |

  Copper chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Copper gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Copper heptanoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Copper methionate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Copper oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Copper sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Coriandri aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Corticotropin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Coumafos | Coumafos | Bees | 100 μg/kg | Honey | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Crataegus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Cupressi aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Cyfluthrin | Cyfluthrin (sum of isomers) | Bovine, caprine | 10 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For milk further provisions in Council Directive 94/29/EC are to be observed. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Cyhalothrin | Cyhalothrin (sum of isomers) | Bovine | 500 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Fat Kidney Milk | For milk further provisions in Council Directive 94/29/EC are to be observed. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Cypermethrin | Cypermethrin (sum of isomers) | All ruminants | 20 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For milk further provisions in Commission Directive 98/82/EC are to be observed. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Salmonidae | 50 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions. |

  Cyromazine | Cyromazine | Ovine | 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Cysteine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Cytidine and its 5’-mono-, 5’-di- and 5’-triphosphates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Danofloxacin | Danofloxacin | Bovine, ovine, caprine, poultry | 200 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 400 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". For poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  All other food producing species | 100 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Bovine, ovine, caprine | 30 μg/kg | Milk |

  Decoquinate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption | NO ENTRY |

  Deltamethrin | Deltamethrin | All ruminants | 10 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Fin fish | 10 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions. |

  Dembrexine | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Denaverine hydrochloride | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Deslorelin acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Detomidine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For therapeutic use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Dexamethasone | Dexamethasone | Bovine, caprine, porcine, Equidae | 0,75 μg/kg 2 μg/kg 0,75 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Corticoides/Glucocorticoides |

  Bovine, caprine | 0,3 μg/kg | Milk |

  Dexpanthenol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Diazinon | Diazinon | Bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine | 20 μg/kg 700 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Bovine, ovine, caprine | 20 μg/kg | Milk |

  Diclazuril | NOT APPLICABLE | All ruminants, porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Diclofenac | Diclofenac | Bovine | 5 μg/kg 1 μg/kg 5 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 0,1 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Porcine | 5 μg/kg 1 μg/kg 5 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Dicloxacillin | Dicloxacillin | All food producing species | 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Dicopper oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dicyclanil | Sum of dicyclanil and 2, 4, 6-triamino-pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile | Ovine | 200 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 400 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Diethyl phthalate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Diethyl sebacate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether | NOT APPLICABLE | All ruminants and porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Difloxacin | Difloxacin | Bovine, ovine, caprine | 400 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1400 μg/kg 800 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Porcine | 400 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 800 μg/kg 800 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Poultry | 300 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 1900 μg/kg 600 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  All other food producing species | 300 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 800 μg/kg 600 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Diflubenzuron | Diflubenzuron | Salmonidae | 1000 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Dihydrostreptomycin | Dihydrostreptomycin | All ruminants, porcine, rabbit | 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  All ruminants | 200 μg/kg | Milk |

  3,5-Diiodo-L-thyrosine | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dimanganese trioxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Dimethicone | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dimethyl acetamide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dimethyl phthalate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dimethyl sulphoxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dinoprost | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dinoprost tromethamine | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Dinoprostone | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Diprophylline | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Doramectin | Doramectin | All mammalian food producing species | 40 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 60 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endo- and ectoparasites |

  Doxapram | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Doxycycline | Doxycycline | Bovine | 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 600 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Porcine, poultry | 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 600 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. |

  D-Phenylalanine (6) –luteinising-hormone releasing hormone | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Echinacea | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. For topical use only. For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding in the products not exceeding one part per ten only. | NO ENTRY |

  Echinacea purpurea | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Emamectin | Emamectin B1a | Fin fish | 100 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endo- and ectoparasites |

  Enilconazole | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Enrofloxacin | Sum of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin | Bovine, ovine, caprine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Porcine, rabbit | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Poultry | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  All other food producing species | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Epinephrine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Eprinomectin | Eprinomectin B1a | Bovine | 50 μg/kg 250 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endo- and ectoparasites |

  Ergometrine maleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in parturient animals only. | NO ENTRY |

  Erythromycin | Erythromycin A | All food producing species | 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 40 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Etamiphylline camsylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Etamsylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ethanol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Ethyl lactate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ethyl oleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and salts | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Etiproston tromethamine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Eucalypti aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Eucalyptol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Eucalyptus globulus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Euphrasia officinalis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Febantel | Sum of extractable residues which may be oxidised to oxfendazole sulphone | All ruminants, porcine, Equidae | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  All ruminants | 10 μg/kg | Milk |

  Fenbendazole | Sum of extractable residues which may be oxidised to oxfendazole sulphone | All ruminants, porcine, Equidae | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  All ruminants | 10 μg/kg | Milk |

  Fenpipramide hydrochloride | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Fenvalerate | Fenvalerate (sum of RR, SS, RS and SR isomers) | Bovine | 25 μg/kg 250 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 40 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Fertirelin acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Firocoxib | Firocoxib | Equidae | 10 μg/kg 15 μg/kg 60 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Florfenicol | Sum of florfenicol and its metabolites measured as florfenicol-amine | Bovine, ovine, caprine | 200 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | Not for animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. Not for animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Porcine | 300 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 500 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Poultry | 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 2500 μg/kg 750 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Fin fish | 1000 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions. |

  All other food producing species | 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Fluazuron | Fluazuron | Bovine | 200 μg/kg 7000 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Flubendazole | Sum of flubendazole and (2-amino 1H-benzimidazol-5-yl) (4fluorophenyl) methanone | Poultry, porcine | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Flubendazole | Poultry | 400 μg/kg | Eggs |

  Flugestone acetate | Flugestone acetate | Ovine, caprine | 0,5 μg/kg 0,5 μg/kg 0,5 μg/kg 0,5 μg/kg 1 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For intravaginal use for zootechnical purposes only. | Agents acting on the reproductive system |

  Flumequine | Flumequine | Bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine | 200 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Bovine, ovine, caprine | 50 μg/kg | Milk |

  Poultry | 400 μg/kg 250 μg/kg 800 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Fin Fish | 600 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportion. |

  All other food producing species | 200 μg/kg 250 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Flumethrin | Flumethrin (sum of trans-Z-isomers) | Bovine | 10 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Ovine | 10 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. |


  Flunixin | Flunixin | Bovine | 20 μg/kg 30 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Porcine | 50 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Equidae | 10 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  5-Hydroxyflunixin | Bovine | 40 μg/kg | Milk |

  Foeniculi aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Folic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Follicle stimulating hormone (natural FSH from all species and their synthetic analogues) | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Food additives (substances with a valid E number approved as additives in foodstuffs for human consumption) | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Only substances approved as additives in foodstuffs for human consumption, with the exception of preservatives listed in part C of Annex III to European Parliament and Council Directive 95/2/EC. | NO ENTRY |

  Formaldehyde | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Formic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Frangulae cortex, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Furosemide | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous administration only. | NO ENTRY |

  Gamithromycin | Gamithromycin | Bovine | 20 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals producing milk for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Gentamicin | Sum of gentamicin C1, gentamicin C1a, gentamicin C2 and gentamicin C2a | Bovine, porcine | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 750 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Bovine | 100 μg/kg | Milk |

  Gentianae radix, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ginkgo biloba | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. | NO ENTRY |

  Ginseng | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Ginseng, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Glutamic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Glutamine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Glutaraldehyde | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Glycerol formal | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Glycine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Gonadotrophin releasing hormone | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Guaiacol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Guanosine and its 5’-mono-, 5’-di- and 5’-triphosphates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Halofuginone | Halofuginone | Bovine | 10 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 30 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against protozoa |

  Hamamelis virginiana | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per ten only. | NO ENTRY |

  All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. |

  Harpagophytum procumbens | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Harunga madagascariensis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only | NO ENTRY |

  Heparin and its salts | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Heptaminol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Hesperidin | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Hesperidin methyl chalcone | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Hexetidine | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Hippocastani semen | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Histidine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Human chorion gonadotrophin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Human chorionic gonadotropin (natural HCG and its synthetic analogues) | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Human menopausal urinary gonadotrophin | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Humic acids and their sodium salts | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Hyaluronic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Hydrochloric acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Hydrochlorothiazide | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Hydrocortisone | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Hydrogen peroxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Hydroxyethylsalicylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food-producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  8-Hydroxyquinoline | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use in newborn animals only. | NO ENTRY |

  Hyperici oleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Hypericum perforatum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Imidocarb | Imidocarb | Bovine | 300 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against protozoa |

  Ovine | 300 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. |

  Inosine and its 5’-mono-, 5’-di- and 5’-triphosphates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Inositol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iodine and iodine inorganic compounds including: Sodium and potassium-iodideSodium and potassium-iodateIodophors including polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iodine organic compounds Iodoform | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iron ammonium citrate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iron dextran | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iron dichloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iron fumarate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iron glucoheptonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Iron sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Isobutane | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Isoflurane | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For anaesthetic use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Isoleucine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Isopropanol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Isoxsuprine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For therapeutic use only in accordance with Council Directive 96/22/EEC. | NO ENTRY |

  Ivermectin | 22, 23-Dihydro-avermectin B1a | All mammalian food producing species | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endo- and ectoparasites |

  Jecoris oleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Juniperi fructus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Kanamycin | Kanamycin A | All food producing species except fin fish | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 600 μg/kg 2500 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Ketamine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ketanserin tartrate | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ketoprofen | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lachnanthes tinctoria | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. | NO ENTRY |

  Lactic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lanolin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lasalocid | Lasalocid A | Poultry | 20 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney Eggs | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Lauri folii aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lauri fructus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lavandulae aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Lecirelin | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae, rabbit | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lectin extracted from red kidney beans Phaseolus vulgaris | NOT APPLICABLE | Porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Lespedeza capitata | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Leucine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Levamisole | Levamisole | Bovine, ovine, porcine, poultry | 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Levomethadone | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Levothyroxine | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lidocaine | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For local-regional anaesthesia only. | NO ENTRY |

  Lincomycin | Lincomycin | All food-producing species | 100 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acids with alkyl chain lengths ranging from C9 to C13, containing less than 2,5 % of chains longer than C13 | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Lini oleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lobaria pulmonaria | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Lobeline | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Luprostiol | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Luteinising hormone (natural LH from all species and their synthetic analogues) | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Lysine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium aluminium silicate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium aspartate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium carbonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium citrate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium glutamate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium glycerophosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium hydroxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium hypophosphite | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium orotate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium phosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium stearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Magnesium trisilicate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Majoranae herba | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Malic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese carbonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese glycerophosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese pidolate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese ribonucleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Manganese sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Mannitol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Marbofloxacin | Marbofloxacin | Bovine, porcine | 150 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Bovine | 75 μg/kg | Milk |

  Matricaria recutita and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Matricariae flos | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Mebendazole | Sum of mebendazole methyl (5-(1-hydroxy, 1-phenyl) methyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl) carbamate and (2-amino-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl) phenylmethanone, expressed as mebendazole equivalents | Ovine, caprine, Equidae | 60 μg/kg 60 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 60 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Mecillinam | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intrauterine use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Medicago sativa extractum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Medroxyprogesterone acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | Ovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravaginal use for zootechnical purposes only. | NO ENTRY |

  Melatonin | NOT APPLICABLE | Ovine, caprine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Melissae aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Melissae folium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Meloxicam | Meloxicam | Bovine, caprine, porcine, rabbit, Equidae | 20 μg/kg 65 μg/kg 65 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Bovine, caprine | 15 μg/kg | Milk |

  Menadione | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Menbutone | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Menthae arvensis aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Menthol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Mepivacaine | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intra-articular and epidural use as local anaesthetic only. | NO ENTRY |

  Mercaptamine hydrochloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Metamizole | 4-Methylaminoantipyrin | Bovine, porcine, Equidae | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Bovine | 50 μg/kg | Milk |

  Methionine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Methyl nicotinate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Methyl salicylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Methylbenzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Methylprednisolone | Methylprednisolone | Bovine | 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Corticoides/Glucocorticoides |

  1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Millefolii herba | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Mineral hydrocarbons, low to high viscosity including micorcristalline waxes, approximately C10-C60, aliphatic, branched aliphatic and alicyclic compounds | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Excludes aromatic and unsaturated compounds. | NO ENTRY |

  Monensin | Monensin A | Bovine | 2 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 30 μg/kg 2 μg/kg 2 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Monepantel | Monepantel-sulfone | Ovine | 700 μg/kg 7000 μg/kg 5000 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals producing milk for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endoparasites |

  Caprine | 700 μg/kg 7000 μg/kg 5000 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Provisional maximum residue limit expires on 1 January 2011. Not for use in animals producing milk for human consumption. |

  Monothioglycerol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Montanide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Morantel | Sum of residues which may be hydrolysed to N-methyl-1,3-propanediamine and expressed as morantel equivalents | All ruminants | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 800 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Moxidectin | Moxidectin | Bovine, ovine, Equidae | 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against endo- and ectoparasites |

  Bovine, ovine | 40 μg/kg | Milk |

  Myglyol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Myristicae aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in newborn animals only. | NO ENTRY |

  Nafcillin | Nafcillin | All ruminants | 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For intramammary use only. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Natamycin | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Neomycin (including framycetin) | Neomycin B | All food producing species | 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 5000 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Neostigmine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Netobimin | Sum of albendazole oxide, albendazole sulphone, and albendazole 2-amino sulphone, expressed as albendazole | Bovine, ovine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For oral use only. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Nickel gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Nickel sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Nicoboxil | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Nitroxinil | Nitroxinil | Bovine, ovine | 400 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 400 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Nonivamide | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only | NO ENTRY |

  Norgestomet | Norgestomet | Bovine | 0,2 μg/kg 0,2 μg/kg 0,2 μg/kg 0,2 μg/kg 0,12 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For therapeutic and zootechnical purposes only. | Agents acting on the reproductive system |

  Novobiocin | Novobiocin | Bovine | 50 μg/kg | Milk | For intramammary use only. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY |

  17β-Oestradiol | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For therapeutic and zootechnical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Okoubaka aubrevillei | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Oleyloleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Omeprazole | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Orgotein | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ornithine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Orotic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Oxacillin | Oxacillin | All food producing species | 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 30 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Oxalic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | Bees | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agent |

  Oxfendazole | Sum of extractable residues which may be oxidised to oxfendazole sulphone | All ruminants, porcine, Equidae | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  All ruminants | 10 μg/kg | Milk |

  Oxibendazole | Oxibendazole | Porcine | 100 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Oxidation products of Terebinthinae oleum | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Oxolinic acid | Oxolinic acid | All food producing species | 100 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Oxyclozanide | Oxyclozanide | All ruminants | 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 10 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Oxytetracycline | Sum of parent drug and its 4-epimer | All food-producing species | 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 600 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Oxytocin | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Pancreatin | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Papain | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Papaverine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Newborn calves only. | NO ENTRY |

  Paracetamol | NOT APPLICABLE | Porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Parconazole | NOT APPLICABLE | Guinea fowl | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Paromomycin | Paromomycin | All food producing species | 500 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg 1500 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Peforelin | NOT APPLICABLE | Porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Penethamate | Benzylpenicillin | All mammalian food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 4 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Pepsin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Peracetic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Permethrin | Permethrin (sum of isomers) | Bovine | 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For milk further provisions in Commission Directive 98/82/EC are to be observed. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Phenol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Phenoxymethylpenicillin | Phenoxymethylpenicillin | Porcine | 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Poultry | 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg 25 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. |

  Phenylalanine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Phloroglucinol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Phoxim | Phoxim | Ovine | 50 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Porcine | 20 μg/kg 700 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 20 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Chicken | 25 μg/kg 550 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 30 μg/kg 60 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney Eggs |

  Phytolacca americana | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. | NO ENTRY |

  Phytomenadione | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Piceae turiones recentes extractum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Piperazine | Piperazine | Porcine | 400 μg/kg 800 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Chicken | 2000 μg/kg | Eggs |

  Piperazine dihydrochloride | NOT APPLICABLE | Chicken | No MRL required for all tissues except eggs | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Piperonyl butoxide | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Pirlimycin | Pirlimycin | Bovine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Policresulen | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Poloxalene | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Poloxamer | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Polyethylene glycol 15 hydroxystearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Polyethylene glycol 7 glyceryl cocoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Polyethylene glycol stearates with 8-40 oxyethylene units | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Polyethylene glycols (molecular weight ranging from 200 to 10000) | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate and trioleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Polyoxyl castor oil with 30 to 40 oxyethylene units | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Polyoxyl hydrogenated castor oil with 40 to 60 oxyethylene units | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Polysorbate 80 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Polysulphated glycosaminoglycan | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Potassium DL-aspartate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Potassium glucuronate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Potassium glycerophosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Potassium nitrate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Potassium selenate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Praziquantel | NOT APPLICABLE | Ovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Prednisolone | Prednisolone | Bovine | 4 μg/kg 4 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 6 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Corticoides/Glucocorticoides |

  Pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Prethcamide (crotethamide and cropropamide) | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Procaine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Progesterone | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine, Equidae (female) | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Only for intravaginal therapeutic or zootechnical use and in accordance with the provisions of Directive 96/22/EC. | NO ENTRY |

  Proline | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Propane | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Propylene glycol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Prunus laurocerasus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. | NO ENTRY |

  Pyrantel embonate | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Pyrethrum extract | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  2-Pyrrolidone | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | At parenteral doses up to 40 mg/kg bw. | NO ENTRY |

  Quatresin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as preservative only at concentrations of up to 0,5 %. | NO ENTRY |

  Quercus cortex | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Quillaia saponins | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Rafoxanide | Rafoxanide | Bovine | 30 μg/kg 30 μg/kg 10 μg/kg 40 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Ovine | 100 μg/kg 250 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney |

  Rhei radix, standardised extracts and preparations thereof | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ricini oleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Rifaximin | Rifaximin | Bovine | 60 μg/kg | Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required for all tissues except milk | NOT APPLICABLE | For intramammary use, except if the udder may be used as food for human consumption, and intrauterine use only. |

  All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. |

  Romifidine | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For therapeutic uses only. | NO ENTRY |

  Rosmarini aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Rosmarini folium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Ruscus aculeatus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Ruta graveolens | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Salicylic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Salviae folium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sambuci flos | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sarafloxacin | Sarafloxacin | Chicken | 10 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Skin and fat Liver | Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Salmonidae | 30 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions |

  Selenicereus grandiflorus | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. | NO ENTRY |

  Serenoa repens | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Serine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Serotonin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Silybum marianum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Sinapis nigrae semen | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium 2-methyl-2-phenoxy-propanoate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine, caprine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium acetylsalicylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | Not for use in animals from which milk or eggs are produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium benzyl 4-hydroxybenzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium boroformiate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium cetostearyl sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium chlorite | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium cromoglycate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium dichloroisocyanurate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium dioctylsulphosuccinate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium formaldehydesulphoxylate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium glycerophosphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium hypophosphite | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium lauryl sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium nitrite | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium propionate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium pyrosulphite | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium salicylate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use. Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | NO ENTRY |

  All food producing species except fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. |

  Sodium selenate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium selenite | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium stearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sodium thiosulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Solidago virgaurea | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Somatosalm | NOT APPLICABLE | Salmon | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sorbitan sesquioleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sorbitan trioleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Spectinomycin | Spectinomycin | Ovine | 300 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 5000 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  All other food producing species | 300 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 5000 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk |

  Spiramycin | Sum of spiramycin and neospiramycin | Bovine | 200 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Chicken | 200 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 400 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver | Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. |

  Spiramycin 1 | Porcine | 250 μg/kg 2000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY |

  Streptomycin | Streptomycin | All ruminants, porcine, rabbit | 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  All ruminants | 200 μg/kg | Milk |

  Strychni semen | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only at doses up to the equivalent of 0,1 mg strychnine/kg bw. | NO ENTRY |

  Strychnine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For oral use only at dose to 0,1 mg/kg bw. | NO ENTRY |

  Substances used in homeopathic veterinary medicines | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | All substances used in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products provided that their concentration in the product does not exceed one part per ten thousand. | NO ENTRY |

  Sulfogaiacol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Sulfonamides (all substances belonging to the sulfonamide group) | Parent drug | All food-producing species | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | The combined total residues of all substances within the sulfonamide group should not exceed 100 μg/kg. For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Chemotheurapeutics/ |

  Bovine, ovine, caprine | 100 μg/kg | Milk |

  Sulphur | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Symphyti radix | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use on intact skin only. | NO ENTRY |

  Syzygium cumini | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Tanninum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  L-tartaric acid and its mono- and di-basic salt of sodium, potassium and calcium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as excipient. | NO ENTRY |

  Tau fluvalinate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bees | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Teflubenzuron | Teflubenzuron | Salmonidae | 500 μg/kg | Muscle and skin in natural proportions | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against ectoparasites |

  Terebinthinae aetheroleum rectificatum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Terebinthinae laricina | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Terpin hydrate | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tetracaine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use as anaesthetic only. | NO ENTRY |

  Tetracycline | Sum of parent drug and its 4- epimer | All food-producing species | 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg 600 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Theobromine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Theophylline | Not applicable | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Thiabendazole | Sum of thiabendazole and 5-hydroxythiabendazole | Bovine, caprine | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | NO ENTRY | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Thiamphenicol | Thiamphenicol | All food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Thiamylal | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous administration only. | NO ENTRY |

  Thioctic acid | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Thiomersal | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use only as preservatives in multidose vaccines at a concentration not exceeding 0,02 %. | NO ENTRY |

  Thiopental sodium | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous administration only. | NO ENTRY |

  Threonine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Thuja occidentalis | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. | NO ENTRY |

  Thymi aetheroleum | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Thymidine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Thymol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tiamulin | Sum of metabolites that may be hydrolysed to 8-α-hydroxymutilin | Porcine, rabbit | 100 μg/kg 500 μg/kg | Muscle Liver | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Chicken | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver |

  Turkey | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 300 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver |

  Tiamulin | Chicken | 1000 μg/kg | Eggs |

  Tiaprost | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, ovine, porcine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tiliae flos | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tilmicosin | Tilmicosin | Poultry | 75 μg/kg 75 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 250 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to a "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  All other food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk |

  Tiludronic acid (in the form of disodium salt) | NOT APPLICABLE | Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For intravenous use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Poultry | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For parenteral use only and for use in laying and breeder birds only. |

  Timerfonate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use only as preservatives in multidose vaccines at a concentration not exceeding 0,02 %. | NO ENTRY |

  Toldimfos | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tolfenamic acid | Tolfenamic acid | Bovine, porcine | 50 μg/kg 400 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Bovine | 50 μg/kg | Milk |

  Toltrazuril | Toltrazuril sulfone | All mammalian food producing species | 100 μg/kg 150 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 250 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | For porcine species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents acting against protozoa |

  Poultry | 100 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 600 μg/kg 400 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Tosylchloramide sodium | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For water-borne use only. |

  Tragacanth | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tricaine mesilate | NOT APPLICABLE | Fin fish | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For water borne use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Trichlormethiazide | NOT APPLICABLE | All mammalian food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Triclabendazole | Sum of extractable residues which may be oxidised to ketotriclabendazole | All ruminants | 225 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 250 μg/kg 150 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals producing milk for human consumption. | Antiparasitic agents/Agents against endoparasites |

  Trimethoprim | Trimethoprim | Equidae | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Fat Muscle Liver Kidney | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to a "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/ Chemotheurapeutics |

  All other food producing species | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk |

  Trimethylphloroglucinol | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Trypsin | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tryptophan | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Tulathromycin | (2R,3S,4R,5R,8R,10R,11R,12S,13S,14R)-2-ethyl-3,4,10,13-tetra-hydroxy-3,5,8,10,12,14-hexamethyl-11-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethy-lamino)-β-D-xylo-hexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-6-azacyclopent-decan-15-one expressed as tulathromycin equivalents | Bovine | 100 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg | Fat Liver Kidney | Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Porcine | 100 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg 3000 μg/kg | Skin and fat Liver Kidney |

  Turnera diffusa | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Tylosin | Tylosin A | All food producing species | 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 200 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney Milk Eggs | For fin fish the muscle MRL relates to a "muscle and skin in natural proportions". MRLs for fat, liver and kidney do not apply to fin fish. For porcine and poultry species the fat MRL relates to "skin and fat in natural proportions". | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Tylvalosin | Sum of tylvalosin and 3-O-acetyltylosin | Porcine | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Muscle Skin and fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Poultry | 50 μg/kg 50 μg/kg | Skin and fat Liver | Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human consumption. |

  Tyrosine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Urea | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Urginea maritima | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per hundred only. For oral use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Uridine and its 5’-mono-5’-di- and 5’-triphosphates | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Urticae herba | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Valine | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Valnemulin | Valnemulin | Porcine | 50 μg/kg 500 μg/kg 100 μg/kg | Muscle Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-infectious agents/Antibiotics |

  Vedaprofen | Vedaprofen | Equidae | 50 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 100 μg/kg 1000 μg/kg | Muscle Fat Liver Kidney | NO ENTRY | Anti-inflammatory agents/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents |

  Vetrabutine hydrochloride | NOT APPLICABLE | Porcine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vincamine | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in newborn animals only. | NO ENTRY |

  Virola sebifera | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias, at concentrations in the products not exceeding one part per thousand only. | NO ENTRY |

  Viscum album | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For use in homeopathic veterinary medicinal products prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopoeias at concentrations corresponding to the mother tincture and dilutions thereof only. | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin A | NOT APPLICABLE | All food-producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin B1 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin B2 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin B3 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin B5 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin B6 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin B12 | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin D | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Vitamin E | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Wool alcohols | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | For topical use only. | NO ENTRY |

  Xylazine hydrochloride | NOT APPLICABLE | Bovine, Equidae | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc acetate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc aspartate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc chloride | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc gluconate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc oleate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc oxide | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc stearate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Zinc sulphate | NOT APPLICABLE | All food producing species | No MRL required | NOT APPLICABLE | NO ENTRY | NO ENTRY |

  Table 2

  Prohibited substances

  Pharmacologically active substance | MRL |

  Aristolochia spp. and preparations thereof | MRL cannot be established |

  Chloramphenicol | MRL cannot be established |

  Chloroform | MRL cannot be established |

  Chlorpromazine | MRL cannot be established |

  Colchicine | MRL cannot be established |

  Dapsone | MRL cannot be established |

  Dimetridazole | MRL cannot be established |

  Metronidazole | MRL cannot be established |

  Nitrofurans (including furazolidone) | MRL cannot be established |

  Ronidazole | MRL cannot be established |

下一篇:(EU) No 363/2011 就异丁子香酚,修订指令(EU) No 37/2010 关于动物源食品中药理学活性物质的最大残留限量及其分类